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Average score of 21 user reviews

Better without monsters 1

I'm not much for horror games as I'm extremely susceptible to jump scares. I tend to scare myself before the monster gets a chance. So its safe to say this game a fair bit out my my comfort zone or so I thought.I had heard of this game a while back but I had dismissed it completely being another traverse the scary dark hallway game and wait for the monster to get you. Until someone brought it back up and I decided to actually give it a chance. The second I saw a robot unconvincingly speaking to...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A new classic? 0

What even is a videogame?I tried to play this all in one sitting as I was told that was quite possible and looking back, yes, quite. However, there is no.. ending as in there is nothing to be earned, the is no great accomplishment you simply... well you just accept what has transpired. Though I guess you are not really forced into any kind of acceptance.I became 'satisfied' of my understanding around 2 hours in; I decided to take a break and reflect, even slept on it. Its damn near impossible t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I liked it. 0

The whole time I was playing this I was convinced I would feel like writing about it afterwords. I did write some things in my head. Now that I am here I kind of don't have anything to say. Let me just list some things see if it sparks something.First things first. I really like Spiderman. So now you know I'm biased but lets get into it.What I didn't like- Manhattan is boring. At least in this game it is. It looks boring and it feels boring.- Everything looks feels old. The UI looks dated, the ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Very moving soundtrack, well worth your time 0

Let me first by stating that this is everything I wanted Odin Sphere to be.This is a semi open world 2D RPG with mechanics not dissimilar to a fighting game.- Great art style, the game is gorgeous- really fun/ in depth mechanics in dealing with enemies- the soundtrack, my goodness, I listen to it while playing other games due its epicness.I believe this game suffers from the Psychonauts syndrome. Highly critically acclaimed, however no one heard about it.This is a beautiful game. I recommend to ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I don't think there will be another for me 0

I really like this game. It's punishing but boy is it rewarding. I never played Demon Souls so this is my first "Souls" experience. (Lets just pretend the GFWL and DSfix stuff never happened, it runs great)Going through this blind the first time, it was literally one of the most nerve racking and scary games I've ever played (scary in the sense of losing everything you've earned thus far in a single instance.)What I really enjoyed about it was that it feels similar to how rogue-likes are played ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Disapointing 0

I don't want to talk about this game.....Fine.This game is linear... really linear, almost literally the entire game is in a hallway. Connected by more hallways. Aside from this point, I don't think that's where the games interesting aspects lie. Hear me out.Mechanics :The battle system is extremely chaotic at first glance. It's essentially an anime meter management sim. However it sure feels good when you manage those meters well. The battle system is almost completely automated, you have 6 ch...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I swear I didn't cry. 0

This game.. this is easily one of the best games I've played in recent months.Some expositionThis is a Metroidvania game, meaning all areas are relatively accessible however specific items or abilities gate any real progress in those areas until those items/abilities are acquired. At this point. You'll know if that is a type of game that interests you or not. However, I must say up front even if you hate Metroidvania games. You'll miss out on something real special here.What I lovedWhere to star...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The job.. slicing fools 0

The job.. Killer is Dead.This game is a hyper stylized anime. I highly recommend using the Japanese voice over rather than the English.You play as Mondo Zappa. A hired Killer or Executioner as far as I understand. I'm not entirely sure if this game was made by Suda51 or just inspired however its extremely in Suda51 style regardless. Additionally is not a successor to Killer7 to the best of my knowledge despite the obvious comparison.The gameplay is tight and responsive. There were only occasiona...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Nice change for a reboot 0

So after having played the Prince of Persia trilogy and the two dimensional original (on console please forgive me, and awhile back) you may notice that this version is vast departure. Sort of..I was actually impressed at how it remains quite linear whilst still being open world. Mostly regarding pathing and traversal in between objectives and choosing what order you do the objectives.THIS GAME IS TOO EASY. You literally cannot die. You can't.. Not that you would come close to doing that anyways...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Worthy distraction 0

Small, deceptively easy to traverse EPIC adventure.The first time you attempt movement you feel like a wet soggy noodle. Quickly though you adapt to your floppy but resilient robotic body.Climbing is the main mechanic for traversal. At first I was thinking it was going to be a bit “Gang Beasts” or “mount your friends” like. And it kind of is, however its much simpler and more forgiving LB or LT is your left hand, RB or RT is your right. And pressing and holding grabs a su...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Somewhat clunky puzzles breakthrough for incredible narrative 0

Alright, this game has compelled me to write something. Write something about this frustratingly awesome title.First the bad news, shooting robots is awesome.... but not in this game. On top of that, the puzzles are ♥♥♥♥ing ridiculous. I have never "adventure gamed" my way through something so absolutely. However they do fall in line with the story in their aftermath, the execution leaves A LOT to be desired. This might have been much better served as a point and clic...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Misses the mark but not entirely 0

Let me first start of by saying I love the Metal Gear franchise. This game however is borderline not involved with that universe. Raiden is here.. Luckily for cheap on early on you get to change your outfit to Frank Jaegar proper. You still have to hear Raiden whine about crap in the cut scenes though.However, I will base this review on the games own merits. Drawing no further conclusions by comparison to MGS.Pros:- You get to be a ninja, GOTY. Seriously though Ninja's are awesome.- You get to c...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Departure from normal Ybisoft 0

Really well done historical account/recreation. Homage really.You play as multiple characters that are narratively connected but some of the time not directly involved in the war. The cartoonish style seems off putting for such a serious subject. However in practice the emotional attachment is that much more surprising and effective due to its first glance appearances.This is adventure/puzzle game first and foremost. You won't really be doing any shooting or combo breakers. Something I found rat...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Fun campy distraction 0

God of War and Uncharted met and made a totally predictable but polished summer blockbuster equivalency. Reminded me of something Nick Cage might do.This is an over the top character action game with all the tropes and mechanics you've come to expect. X and Y weak/strong attacks strung into combos. 4 different weapons types. Standard med speed/med damage/med range(sword type), fast/short range/med damage(dagger type), fast/long range/low damage(chain type) and Slow/low range/high damage(hammer t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A living art piece 0

At first glance this may seem like an artsy indie film house equivalent of an atmospheric adventure kind of game.….And it is. But I like it so don't disregard it just because of that.The art style is rather unique. I had only seen screenshots previous to playing so I only saw the paper cutout look. But in action every thing is a pop up book that folds and acts accordingly to how you'd expect, mind the water of course.You play as a Japanese Samurai or it appears that way. I apologize, I'm ...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I'll do it, if the coin is good. 0

After 95 hours, I've concluded the main quest line of the game. I still have around 20 quests in my journal. Granted mostly involving Gwent(the collectable trading card game). However there are still a number of contracts left unfulfilled. As well as points of interest unexplored scattered about the map.At some point in the story I came to the conclusion that most of the game was almost entirely scripted into one general narrative. I was wrong. The choices you make are so subtle and dynamic that...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A fun diversion. 0

Let me first start of by saying I love the Metal Gear franchise. This game however is borderline not involved with that universe. Raiden is here.. Luckily for cheap on early on you get to change your outfit to Frank Jaegar proper. You still have to hear Raiden whine about crap in the cut scenes though.However, I will base this review on the games own merits. Drawing no further conclusions by comparison to MGS.Pros:- You get to be a ninja, GOTY. Seriously though Ninja's are awesome.- You get to c...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Very interesting Indie title. 0

The short version – Paranormal investigator extrodiaire meets Far Cry.You appear on a shore, behind you a ship. Likely the vessel that brought you here. A land devoid of color stay for an unpretencious amount of red.This game is not just visually strking, its stunning. You are given the option to play in shades of grey or blast the color saturation up to see lush forests and gated strongholds.The actual gameplay mechanics more or less revolve around two things. Exploration and killing thin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Alchemy is cool. 2

I found myself deeply enamored with the world of the Witcher. My first exposure being the book, “The Last Wish” by Andrzej Sapkowski. I started in on Witcher 1 after reading and found the mechanics slightly overbearing. Even with some background I found myself being overwhelmed by the vastness and seeming complexity of the mechanics brought fourth by what, to me, was a very cool prospect. Alchemy.The idea behind it was not as its traditionally seen, even in fantasy. It wasn't some eq...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I like Space. 0

Boy did this one surprise me, the freedom of movement is incredible. From your gravity hook, jetpack, anti grav pick ups, moving around truly feels great. It feels a little like Metroid. Due to the aspect of the isloation of an unitentional and forced exploration of a new planet.Some creatures being hostile and some not. Of course if you want to be crass you can draw comparisons to Terraria and Starbound without the crafting. But the movement and art style, I really like the art style, are enoug...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Game of the Year every year. 0

Be a paragon of justice. Build impenetrable overshields with bot defenses and save the unfortunate from certain death.Or, be ruthless, kill everyone and take everything they own. Create an arsenal of wave beam and missile weapons. Bot drones, heavy lasers and ion chargers with chain shots to tear apart anyone willing to become a victim to your onslaught.Get to know different species and what specialties they can bring to your team.Earn different ships by doing various and inpromptu quests throug...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.