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3.0 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Gosh this game is bad. 0

 First and foremost, I must say I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite. At the time of it's release I heard nothing but great things about it. It certainly had my interest, but then something happened: People started to quote every damn word from it. For weeks all I heard was "Gosh!" and "Can I have some of your tots?" By the end of the month, I pretty much knew the script by heart. It was disappointing, because the movie looked so bad it'd be funny (ala Snakes on a Plane). Since then, I've only see...

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Not recommended. 0

  Steel Horizon wasn't a game I was familiar with before reviewing it, so I wanted a little background on it. I searched the most common game sites but came up empty handed most of the time. The only thing I could find was a cinematic trailer, which really didn't give me much information at all. From what I saw, it looked like a tactical, fast-paced version of Battleship. Unfortunately, only half of that is true. Once I turned on my DS I went instantly to the Tutorial section, which is enou...

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Nice time waster. 0

 Neves Review (DS) First and foremost, I must admit I've never been a fan of strategy/puzzle games. I've never been able to find enjoyment from games like Jewel Quest, or even Tetris. That's right. I'm not a fan of Tetris.  I know many people my age who could spend hours on Tetris, and even a few mothers. But those kind of games never really did it for me. Where's the bang? The explosions? The guns? I mean, at least give me a little blood for all the work and time I've put into completing eac...

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