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2.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Arguably the most overrated game ever 2

 Seemingly every game website has dished out torrents of praise for Uncharted 2, to an irritatingly unrestrained degree (X-Play: "The best single-player game ever" ).  Those graphics are incredibly beautiful; Uncharted 2 is consistently gorgeous, which is a good thing because everything else is consistently horrible.  The praise gamers and press heap upon the story, a National Treasure ripoff (which in itself is an Indiana Jones ripoff) is embarrassing and belies the immaturity of the industry. ...

5 out of 10 found this review helpful.

It Doesn't Hold Up 1

I first played FF7 the summer of 2008, so I didn't have fond memories clouding (HAHAHAHA ) my view of the game.  This is a review of FF7 today, not back in 1997.Gameplay - Standard JRPG formula, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  The battles are reasonably fast-paced so as to not wear you down, although the unskippable summons quickly irritate every time you have to watch them for 30 seconds.  I've heard people bitch about the Materia deemphasizing individuality in your party members, but I l...

2 out of 9 found this review helpful.

Technically a great game; but far too frustrating 0

Mechanically, Geometry Wars 2 is a great game.  Sharp controls, colorful polished graphics, clean interface.  At first, GW2 is a lot of fun to play.  There's one problem, though, and it ruins the entire game for me.  Playing Geometry Wars 2 is, more often than not, frustrating as hell.  When the difficulty ramps up, you will die many times over.  Over the course of trying to top my friend's high scores, or beating Sequence, I became absolutely crazy frustrated.  I don't have a particularly bad t...

0 out of 6 found this review helpful.