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Best of 2010

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  • While I was worried about the quick turn-around on this game and the addition of multi-player to the franchise, I was relieved that all my fears were for naught.

  • I don't like Westerns, so I was initially not interested in "GTA on a horse" how foolish was I to doubt this game.

  • Mass Effect 2 does a lot of things right compared to the first game, but it also does a lot of things that annoy me. Planet scanning initially seems to remove the boredom of driving the Mako around a planet until I realised I fucking loved driving the Mako. The universe felt smaller due to that and the environments felt much more contrived to appeasing the new combat engine with the abundance of handily placed cover points. It's odd, I can find an abundance of things to pick at about this game, but I know deep down I loved the journey.

  • While the combat isn't the best (though you come to realise it's perfect for the story) and there's not many enemy designs, if that's what you're focusing on then you are missing the entire point of this game. The pulpy story is what keeps you going, from beat to beat it just draws you in and the character of Alan is a joy to hear as he narrates his own journey.

  • Do you like Halo? Ok, why haven't you bought this yet?


  • "Unfair", "bullshit", "how was I supposed to block that", only two enemies (yeah, you know who I mean) made me think that during my playthrough, the rest of the time I was marvelling at the superb combat system, a system where last second dodging is your intended goal rather than a happen stance. The environments and characters you come across become even more absurd as you progress and all for the better, if you can't enjoy this game you take things far too seriously.

  • You can't beat a good Battlefield game and this is a very good Battlefield game, the addition of destructible environments is a fantastic addition to the series and while I may bemoan the game for not being able to support 64 players even on the PC and while the single-player should have just been ignored in favour of putting the level designers on more multi-player maps, 37hrs on the multi-player alone doesn't happen unless a game is fun as hell.

  • While 64 still ranks as my favourite 3D Mario game, the Galaxy series' ability to innovate and show you literally brand new worlds with every turn is a joy and more of it is never a bad thing.

  • Yes yes, so I only just finished this a few hours ago, but this game has been stopping me from pressing "Play" on Fallout: New Vegas, I even carried on when I had to fight Giant Spiders, any game that does that deserves a spot on my top 10.