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Koei Tecmo immersing PSVR players with VR Sense

Announced a while ago, Koei Tecmo aims to add another dimension to Virtual Reality with their VR Sense cabinet, intended for arcades. These cabinets will dip into Koei Tecmo's franchises to bring a next-level Sense experience that includes movement, aroma, touch, wind, heat, cold, rain and mist to PlayStation VR. These are kinda smaller experiences and will probably not see home version releases, for now at least.

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Today, Koei Tecmo uploaded a handful of videos showcasing the tech in action.

  • Dead or Alive Xtreme Sense is a reworking of the VR mode of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, which allows you to go head-to-head with the girls in pool games and other activities
  • G1 Jockey Sense gives you the thrill of professional horse racing from the jockey's seat.
  • Super Sengoku Coaster allows you to experience the historical accurate Sengoku era how it really happened and cut dudes from the seat of a roller coaster.
  • Horror Sense ~Daruma-san ga Koronda~ is a chilling horror themed game of "red light, green light".

More games are in development, including an Attack on Titan one.

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