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Interweb: Future proofing me for the next 5 yrs.

The recent mind-blowing, life changing experience of having cable internet has opened a cornucopia of options to modern living; I finally have an understanding of why some people go down the route of digital over physical retail. I was able to download 10 gigs of steam games and updates in less than an hour. Something I have never seen before. 'Wow! What-a Rush!' And at the same time, stream a 20 minute video of Jeff talk about the gamespot days.

Now in Australia, the NBN (National Broadband Network) is taking its sweet ass time to get to as many households as possible, so jumping the gun and getting the next best thing for decent internet is cable. Right now we’re paying less than $80 for 250 gigs at over 10 mbps and considering whatever Telstra (the big wig communications moguls here) decides to charge for the NBN fibre, the cable is a bargain.

The dilemmas now is 'what are my options for making the best out of cable?' and 'will I just become another junkie looking for my next stronger fix?'

For my media consumption, I have the two options of Free ("legal options") and Pay content. Right now in Australia both options are primitive in comparison, and getting Pay TV is just folding into the Murdochs’ power struggle. I'm left with poor options. I can't watch Comedy Central stuff, I can't watch Hulu or Current TV etc. Right now I'm looking into getting Boxee Box or a Telstra T-Box, both having free and paid content but both are just poor imitations of North American standards. So far it’s been a Playstation 3 with ABC’s iview, which isn’t bad but I want more. More! MORE! STRAP IT TO MY VEINS!