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Im sure this will get lost in the Twitterverse, but I wanted to congratulate @Neil_Druckmann and @Naughty_Dog . I’m…

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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic Playstation Stars "purchase" campaign rewards are insanely stingy. on the PlayStation Network board

    Honestly, I have gotten like two or three $20 PSN credits from Stars, so I don't mind it. Is it perfect, not at all, but since PS is my main platform of use, it has been nice getting $20 here and ther...

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post A Whole Bunch of "Bad" PS1 Games.

    We have BattGrubb, now we need SuperDan (Superman 64), and AquaMitch (Aquaman on XBOX).

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post BatGrubb 03.

    That intro........holy cow. I LOVED it. Well done, Jea-rum!!

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 07/12/23.

    I do not understand how anyone can enjoy the Fast franchise, and be tired of the MI franchise. It's a much more impressive franchise that it so much less fake and silly, and every one of them has imp...

  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic Your expectations for Xbox Showcase 2023?. on the Xbox Game Studios board

    The only thing I want is info on games coming to Game Pass within the next 6 months. Both big and small games. I would like variety.

  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic My premium login doesn't work on the store. on the Bug Reporting board

    @perpetualoutput: I also had to create a new account with the same email. Weird thing, but it worked.

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post Dan Plays Sonic '06 - Part 7.


  • cubbielover posted a message on the post Grubbsy 3D - Part 5.

    I miss Jess greatly, but I am glad this series is continuing. I've really enjoyed it immensely so far, and am looking forward to seeing more of Bubsy 3D and eventually...Sonic 06

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post Holiday Specialtacular 2016: Hitsmas.

    @peterab: This is a must watch every holiday.

  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic Would you pay $30 to stream a new movie instead of going to the cinema?. on the General Discussion board

    I honestly don't mind the $30 price tag on movies as long as you own them to stream, and not rent them. The $20 rentals are what I will never do. If I am paying more money to watch at home, I want to...

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post Hyrule Hustle.

    I LOVE this idea and would love more of it. Jess having the fairies and the heat resistant potions gave her a leg up early and really setup Jeff to lose very early on. I wish both of them started wit...

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post State of Play (09/13/22).

    @risingsignal: Completely agree. My whole family agrees that JK is WAY wrong in the things she has said, but we are all excited to try this game out. I really feel for the devs that have put a lot of ...

  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic The State of Premium. on the General Discussion board

    I know I am still a premium member mainly because of the archive. I have always been a fan of re-watching things I love, so between Steal My Sunshine, Metal Gear Scanlon, Burgle My Bananas, Vinnystai...

  • cubbielover posted a message on the post 016.

    Jeff mentioned Dan Ryckert and then said "congratulations" to him at around the 14:40 mark. Is there anything else going on other than Wrestlemania happening? Has he been promoted/changed positions?

  • cubbielover posted a message in the forum topic New PlayStation Plus tiers revealed. on the PlayStation Plus board

    @berfunkle: While I could see how great and straight forward it would be if Sony said "after three months of all of our releases, they will be available on the higher tiers of PS+ for no cost", there ...