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My Top Ten for 2017

Looking back at the year, I held off from buying quite a lot of good games for one reason or another. Meaning that my list has some notable omissions. On the other hand that just means I have some great gaming experiences from 2017 to look forward to, when i eventually pick those games up. Except one, all of these I played on the Switch, which has been the true stand-out of this year, gaming-wise. My list is as follows:

List items

  • Has to be my favorite game of the year. The colorful and quirky style has kept me coming back to this game throughout the year. the way certain modes combine Puyo Puyo and Tetris is something new and unique. Also me and my girlfriend have played this quite regularly and the battles get quite heated.

  • My top online multiplayer game of the year! The things it introduces compared to it's predecessor is quite minimal, but just having it on the Switch is great. It looks great, runs very smoothly and the online experience is great. Salmon Run is a solid addition as well and it doesn't really bother me that they limit its' availability.

  • My first 3D Mario game that I've completed. Collecting those moons is very addictive. The worlds have tonnes of secrets in them, sadly I'm not good enough to uncover even half-of those. Just looking at some of those platforming GIFs on Reddit is just depressing. Even still the game keeps the motivation up with it's purchasable costumes etc.

  • The only non Switch game on here. They expanded nicely on the systems they introduced in last years game e.g. the car development. All in all, the best F1 experience out there!

  • An excellent indie game that came out of nowhere! The story had some wild left turns and kept my interest the whole way through. My biggest worry going in was that what if the Golf-portion is too hard ,but thankfully it was manageable.

  • Thank god the redid the Battle Mode for the Switch because it was a train wreck! I've had some great times playing this with my GF this year. Also, finding online games has been surprisingly easy on the Switch.

  • Played it on the PC back when it first came out, but found it off putting the way some things just aren't clear and you have to have a Wiki open just to figure out certain parts, the villager's likes, for example. However on the Switch I've found the game way more bite-size and enjoyable.

  • Great game! I've tried to get into the new X-COM games but features like the base-building have scared me off. Mario x Rabbids removes those intimidating features and focuses on tactical combat, which is really fun.

  • Fantastic game! Continues the story of the first one in an interesting way. It's a more complete package than the first one. Unlike many others though, I think I preferred the first one. Which is why I was delighted to find out that it's coming to the Switch in early Feb.

  • Zelda is 10th because I just haven't put enough time into it. I've only defeated two of those gigantic monsters. The world is very immersive and a wonderful place to spend time in. I look forward to spending a lot more time with it. The rain sucks though!