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Steam instead of Windows?

PCs are in a weird spot right now. People are ditching desktops in favour of laptops and tablets which are cheap and suit the needs of writing, web-browsing and multimedia consumption well enough and take up less space, not to mention less energy.

Desktop PCs seem to be the platform of choice for people that, like me, edit HD video and need a souped up machine, but also for players. For aeons PC gamers have been living with the resource eating Windows on their machines and with the advent of smaller devices that do what PCs were mostly used for, I see a potential for a new OS: Steam.

Wouldn't it be great? A lightweight Steam OS for people who only use their desktops for gaming, with basic multimedia and web-browsing functionality. Not only would it be more efficient, it would probably be cheaper as well.

Of course, this is just an idea of what could be done with PC gaming, but I with consoles becoming like PCs and desktops becoming specialized machines, I wonder where gaming will house itself some years from now. My guess is that games will be tailored to work well on laptops, but it's just a guess.