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PS3 100% completion and Platinum Trophies.

Since Sony is such an ass in giving away the stats for the trophies I decided to make my list of trophies. This does not included my games that I am still working on and have less than 100%.

List items

  • Similar difficulty as SF4 (so a pain in the ass), plus a lot more time has to be invested in playing online to get C rank on all characters. And the trials were a little bit more easy this time because I had more practice.

  • This is a 5/5 starts game, and playing it in the harder difficulty (to get one of the trophies) made it feel more compelling for me. Because you die with one or two shoots, you really have to put yourself in the situation of the character and get a real felling of everything that is going on around you, and not just run and shoot at random. So the trophies are hard in general (including the online trophies that are fucking difficult).

  • When I saw Ryan's review giving 4 out of 5 start, I was surprised and did not believe him... I was so wrong, how could I doubt him. The game is clearly 4/5. But that doesnt mean it is a bad game, on the contrary, it is a very good closure to the series, the graphics are 11/10 but the action style is outdated. Back to topic, the trophies are easy. Another platinum.

  • God! This was unexpected. Is good to see one of your favorite characters to have, at last, a video game that lives up to the BATMAN name. Just play it man! Just play it.

  • This game is just what I needed. Short but very rewarding. This is a must that anyone should play. Stop reading and go buy (download) it.

  • Dude, I bought this game just after the release day, but never got the time to play it back then, and when I started playing it (a year and a half later), they drop down the price to around $20 dollar… my f*&$ing luck. Anyway I really don’t regret it, because this is a fucking awesome game, and the story was very entertaining, now I am waiting for Infamous 2 just to see how the drama will end.

  • Awesome game with very good multiplayer.... but the trophies are easy... I guess I prefer a little more challenge... well collecting the treasures is a pain in the ass if you dont use a guide ... :p (Edit: I just got all the DLC trophies, they were quite difficult)

  • This one its a time consuming bitch. If you love RE5 don't overplay it like me just for the trophies, you may end up hating it. Its not hard but time time time... thats all it is... You also have to be a liitle good on it to get the wins in the online play. I had to win 120 online matches online to get some of the trophies. So if my win/lose rate is about 50 % (there are a lot of people with awesome skills out there) then I played at least 240 times, or a little more because many matches people losing just quit or there is a error connection and that doesnt count for your wins.

  • God... I mean, good for me this had two platinum trophies, one per game. It was a good experience to replay these game to warm up for GOWIII. Highly Recommended.

  • This was my very first Platinum. I also did the trophies for the extra DLC. It was not very hard, a little time consuming but very entretaining which made it very enjoyable to geit it.

  • The liquid effects are amazing... but the game itself is easy... also getting the trophies is easy... This does not have a platinum.

  • They put this in the PSN store after some time of being out for the 360. The trophies are easy. This does not have a platinum.

  • This is a game that at first, I only downloaded the Demo, but unlike any other demos, this one installs the trophies in your PSN account, so I was forced to buy the original because I didnt want a game with 0% trophies. At the end the game ended up being really good and challenging. This does not have a platinum.

  • I only finished this game once, then my mom played it and she got addicted to it, and actually she got all the trophies with my account. LOL. This does not have a platinum.

  • The PS3 is quite the same as the PSP version. Not much to say. This does not have a platinum.