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I've been looking forward to this day for a while. If only for all the Dreamcast retrospectives. Now as it's about to hit midnight and become just another day, I'll just post some thoughts and memories on the system's anniversary.
My earliest Dreamcast memory is from August 1999, when after spending the morning with my friend and her dad going through South Boston, we ended up at a Toys R Us to get some Pokemon cards. They had recently set up the line of Dreamcast kiosks, and I caught a glimpse of a kid playing the killer whale sequence of Sonic Adventure. It was the quintessential way to be introduced to the system, on a sunny summer day with the most eye catching moment drawing my attention. I ultimately made the decision in April 2000 to get an N64 over a Dreamcast, a decision I don't regret. 
I ended up buying a used Dreamcast from EB Games in February 2005, and eventually purchased a handful of games including Jet Grind Radio, Sega Rally 2, and Daytona USA. I had some enjoyment with them, but ultimately sold it on eBay 2 years later. I do regret that. I would've gladly played it today in celebration. 
The Dreamcast is a very interesting system. Most people are surprised that it's already 10 years old in the US, but I'm not. It feels like a classic system, and has felt that way for quite a while. By 2003, it was history. PS2 turns 9 next month, and it still manages to be relevant, yet the DC was a memory by its 3rd birthday. It may belong to the same generation, but it is strongly separated. However, everything about it is The logo is great, 9.9.1999 is as cool of a release date as it gets, it has the ambitious features that set it apart, and the highly celebrated game library. 
I think I may buy one of the sealed Dreamcasts at some point in the coming year just to get the feeling of opening a new one. I'll gradually build up the library and see how it all stacks up a decade later. These nine 09.09.09 quick look throwbacks provided a great glimpse into the amount of fun that can still be had with the system, be it September 9th 1999, or 2009. The Dreamcast gave the 90s a glimpse of the 00s, and continues to enjoy rabid loyalty as we head into the 2010s. No anniversary of the system will match this one, and I honestly feel that GB has provided the best coverage.