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  • CombatBoots12 posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 7: D.N.A..

    The last episode needs to the be the scientific method, to explain to Dan how science knows things.

  • CombatBoots12 posted a message on the post Part 10.

    "Oh boy" is to Vinny what "VINNY!" is to everyone else lol

  • CombatBoots12 posted a message on the post Part 08.


  • CombatBoots12 posted a message on the post 669: I'm Always in Pose 6.


  • CombatBoots12 posted a message in the forum topic recommend your literal rogue-likes.... on the General Discussion board

    Just got into Caves of Qud. It's the classic Rogue concept stretched into an open world. It also has save/load options in the debug if you just want to explore.Doom RL is a treat, those guys recently...

  • CombatBoots12 posted a message in the forum topic Share And Discuss Your 2020 GOTY List On The Site. on the General Discussion board

    I spent much of my year playing backlog games, one(two?) had to make my list, but in a year spent almost entirely at my desk in quarantine, games and GB kept me sane and gave me something to look forw...