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@twoarmed: Yeah, I know I shouldn't let it bother me but I love Starcraft 2 and it's so annoying when people make these statements about the game when they know nothing about it.

One high profile player match fixed and the game has only gotten more popular since then.

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Why is Ben claiming match fixing killed Starcraft? The game is more popular than it has been in 5 years.

I don't understand why people who don't follow Starcraft make statements like this.

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I played Destiny 2 and enjoyed it for about 3 weeks and while it was an alright game all I could think about the entire time was it felt extremely lackluster. I was expecting more after the Taken King and it felt like Destiny 2 was a worse game. The campaign missions are uninspired and the story is awful. The pvp and the grind was fun for a time but gets old quick because they never can put out new enough content fast enough. The decision to make half the weapon types considered "heavy" weapons seemed like a really bad design choice and it was. The shader stuff and emotes and all that crap is such an obvious money grab.

I just don't understand how they can be selling so many copies of this game and have such a loyal following and yet they barely put out any content, especially after going through 3 years of developing and learning between destiny 1 and 2. Then you are supposed to shell out another $60 for all the DLC that adds more content in a game that lacks new stuff to do and fixes all the base games problems. How are they not releasing multiple raids per year? Those two smaller expansions sounded terrible.

This Forsaken expansion sounds like a step in the right direction but it feels crazy to charge $60 to be able to play it.

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Why am I looking at this game like I really, really want to play it even though I bought Origins on sale and have only played 3 hours of it because I found it to be slow and boring?

Something about this one looks better and I have no clue as to why.

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Slay the Spire is amazing

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I've read almost all of your blogs and I think this is the best thing you have ever written.

My favorite line in the entire game is when Kratos tells Atreus to be better than him. No matter how big or small most people's mistakes are in life, people always want the one's they love to be better than them. I'm not a father but I do know that if I ever have a kid, I will want them to do better in every aspect of life than I have and to learn from my mistakes. Is this type of need for our loved ones to be better than us selfish? In some ways I think it is, it allows us to live through others, to fix things we can't fix for ourselves. But I think it is mostly just our desire to see the one's we care about have a good life and do good things, especially when we couldn't or didn't. We learn as we get older and want to be able to share what we know now with those who still have the opportunity to do the right thing.

Kratos is someone who had a lot of bad things happen to him that helped make him be the terrible person that he was. He did awful things and made awful choices, but he also was forced into a life of war and never had anyone to show him a different way of life or to help guide him. With Atreus he has the opportunity to give someone something he never got and hopefully make the world a better place through his son.

Like you said we all need to be better and we all can be.

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@mooseymcman Hey you didn't tell me you were playing Titanfall 2 again! I was thinking about playing that again, let me know the next time you are playing (although the last time I jumped back in after a long break the people that still play had become much better than m).

The new Monster Hunter Siege is really awesome and the post release content has been great. My only problem is I already finished the Siege 4 times and still haven't gotten the "glintstone" and you need 2 to craft a full set, 4 if you want to craft both sets. Granted of the 4 sieges I was only once in a group that actually broke the horns and I'm sure carving those gives a better chance at it.

All I know is if I grind that thing and then don't get to make the full set I'm not gonna be happy.

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The game is fun to play and the co-op is good. The arcade is really cool. The story and writing are awful. If you are looking for another wacky open world Far Cry game with good co-op it's great for that. If you are looking for good characters, writing, and story stay away.

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@majormitch: Thanks for reading! I write way too much every year but I enjoy looking back on all the games I played and what I thought about them.