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2023 Game of the Year (in progress)

I've decided that I'm going to break my own rules and include games that I played for the first time this year, rather than only those that came out this year.

List items

  • I love a lot about this game. It looks, feels, and sounds great, and it plays very well on a controller. I have been able to switch back and forth between Xbox and PC with no issues whatsoever. As someone who played one to two thousand hours of Diablo III, Diablo IV is pretty much everything I hoped it would be.

  • Picked this up around the time the TV show aired. Incredible presentation, great story. I beat the original when it first came out, but I realized how much I had forgotten about it while I played through this version. Even though I could remember the major beats, I had a lot of fun rediscovering this world and these characters. I'm not into scary games, so big shout out to the difficulty and accessibility settings for getting me through.

  • Fun game and a good sequel. I enjoyed the story even though the bad guy was lame. Shitty performance that really hurt the experience.

  • I was really into it at first, but I fell off just after unlocking Garuda moves. The story seemed interesting, the voice acting was great, and the combat seemed decent. The performance is really annoying on PS5; the frame rate is all over the place. I don't think I am coming back to it.

  • Played through the campaign with my brother. The gameplay is great, and the open world is neat. Unfortunately, the campaign totally ditches the open world somewhere around the halfway point. That was a bummer. Still, it was a very fun co-op game.