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CHAZ934's Top 10 2020 GOTY List

Honorable Mentions:

Pokemon Sword/Shield Crown Tundra Expansion

While I was highly underwhelmed by Pokemon's first expansion Aisle of Amor, Crown Tundra contains the perfect, bite-sized, repeatable content I never knew Pokemon needed. While the main story of the expansions is fun too, it's the Dynamax Adventures that are the real star. In the base game fighting Dynamax Pokemon was boring and grindy. Crown Tundra's mini dungeons where you embark with four other trainers for a shot at iconic, legendary Pokemon is fun and breezy by comparison. Also, it's always exciting to see what legendary you'll find by the end of the dungeon.

Watch Dogs Legion:

I was lucky enough to get a PS5 near launch day, and with it more games than I have any business trying to play at once. Hey, I gotta test out the new console, right? Anyway, Watch Dogs Legion always seemed really cool, but it was hard to tell if they'd be able really make good on their "play as anyone" concept. After a couple hours with the game I'm finding its systems impressive, but its mission structure pretty lackluster. It remains to be seen if I'll like it enough to play all the way through, but I am enjoying the Pokemon aspect of hunting for unique operatives to join my team of misfits.

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