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Update 102

Slow day at work and me left unsupervised equals new blog update. HELLO GIANT BOMB!!!

Well I finished Tales of Vesparia a few days after my last post. The game falls pretty flat on it's face in the final act with the cliche'd events in the story and sloppy translation. Honestly that part of the game shows they were on a deadline and were just desperately trying to get it out the door. Overall I walked away from the experience very satisfied and still feel it is the best Tales game in the series and one of the best JRPG's ever.

I have also purchased a great many new games for very neglected Xbox 360, because Tales got me hooked on points and achievements. Actually, I purchased over $350 worth of 360 games... they are all the titles that came out these past four years that I missed while I was addicted to WOW. Among my aquisitions are Call of Duty 2, which I played through in 10 hours and liked, but was sad it offered nothing new, and Call of Duty 3, which is good overall, but very buggy and unpolished. Inifinity Ward didn't make CoD 3 and it shows. I don't know if I'll bother finishing it.

I also picked up Kameo, which is a flipping amazing game, but a little heavy on the kiddie side of things and super easy. In fact, despite how good it is I find it to be so easy that it's boring to play. This is another one that I am half way through and I don't know if I'll bother to finish.

The last title I got that I have played is King Kong: The Official Game to the movie to Peter Jacksons far to big and long and convoluted title. The game is both jaw droppingly gorgious and bad. It's an interesting combination. The visuals and events you see are simply beautiful. However, the game play consists of the same three or four puzzles over and over and over again, with a shitty chase level spliced inbetween where you get to play as Kong and fight with the games camera. Spear grub, throw near giant millipede, bat, scorpion, or spidersĀ  to draw them into the open, shoot the bastards when they are out in the open, rinse and repeat. Or, do that while looking for fire, or looking for the fucking door levers. It's like Populus, but with nice graphics and all from a first person perspective. There are 500 levels and they are all the same.

I took King Kong back and exchanged it for Hitman Blood Money, which I am told is a much better game and hope to start by this weekend.