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I'm searching for a PlayStation 1 Game.

I only played it as a kid and I did not came very far because it was too difficult for me at this time..

I remember you are a Man and you wake up in a Building - I think it was a tower that had many stairs and corridors.

I think you are searching for your wife... in this tower you find some enemies and you fight with your fists and hands against them.. there where also traps in the corridors like swinging "blades" that rotated in 360° and you had to role over them or wait for the perfect timing I think

The camera position was like in the old Resident Evil games - so in every room the camera was "stuck" in that certain position till you go on to the next room..

The Only other thing that I believe to remember is, that the cover of the Game was a Symbol that was important in the Game...

Sorry I don't remember very much, but maybe someone knows what's up:)

Thank you for your help !

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You legend! Thank you

Some things are different as I remember but it's this game:)

Have a nice day !

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I'm searching for a PC-Game that I played wenn I was a lil kid.. I'm now 26 y old.. I'm sure the game came out between 1990-2000.

It was a short game, but maybe it was only a demo?

You started with a scene were you either jump of a plane or crash with a plane into an island.

In the island the game starts.. I think it was first person and you go into an ancient temple where Natives people try to kill you and you have to kill them.. I don't remember how you kill them but I think the natives used like wooden spears.

And you go on through the temple and later or in the end of the game there is a "Boss" Battle.. I have only a small memory but it was like a God who had the body like a Human but he was blue and had some powers...

In my memory the gameplay was a little bit like the old Doom or Serious Sam with jumping and the graphics.... I hope someone can help me :)