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The Effects of Video Games: Aggressive Behaviors and Violence

For my Psychology class, I had to write a research paper and give a five-minute presentation to the class highlighting some of my findings. My teacher did not require us to do a visual presentation, but I decided to do one because I think it's much easier to convey information that way... 

[Credit: Random images found through Google Images.] 
For slide six -- Crime victims per 1,000 citizens -- I said the following out loud (the information was taken from this article, written by former MIT professor and American scholar, Henry Jenkins):
  •  Researchers find that people serving time for violent crimes typically consume less media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population. 
  • While it's true that young offenders who have committed school shootings in America have also been game players, young people in general are more likely to be gamers — 90 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls play. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do NOT commit antisocial acts. According to a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report, the strongest risk factors for school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure.
My teacher said it was a good presentation, so I'm assuming he gave me the total points allotted for the presentation part. Now I just have to wait two weeks to find out what my grade is for my paper. :P