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Average score of 3 user reviews

THQ "No-Sells" our expectations. 0

If the words heel, babyface, angle, shoot, squash, heat, bump, sell, job, over, promo, workrate, and worker mean anything to you, then WWE ’12 is potentially the fan service you’ve been waiting for from the yearly mediocrity formerly known as Smackdown VS Raw. However, while this reboot finally accomplishes the feel of a WWE broadcast, with all the theatrics, sharp camera cuts, and kayfabe drama of a match, you can’t help but notice just how poorly conceived the surrounding modes and systems are...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The Dark Knight Rises, or in this case, swoops down. 1

With both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan achieved sophistication with a character and a universe that had been stuck in shitty comic book revisions for decades. While Batman always had the potential to be an interesting character, he never seemed as vivid to me as his super-villain counterparts. (Notice I say vivid instead of, say, lifelike; because honestly, there’s nothing lifelike about an eleven-foot tall crocodile mutant, or most of these characters if you really think...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Uno creates massive hand relief and romance explosion. 1

 What can I say about Uno that hasn't already been said about the LOGO channel? It's a way of getting friends together to create massive romance explosion and to discuss your fears of Subway sandwiches while playing a friendly game of cards. Occasionally a vagrant will appear on camera and bust a nut, but this is a rare occurance unless you're playing during the afternoon. Then it is quite frequent. Sometimes Uno will cause uncontrollable romance explosions leading to stained towels and the need...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.