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Average score of 5 user reviews

Deathloop (PC) Review 0

Note: Two paragraphs include spoilers, which I marked with spoiler warnings. Also, my final score is 4.5/5.Time loops can offer some of the most interesting storytelling and gameplay in video games. Over the past couple of years, a few notable time loop games have released, with some being better than others. Deathloop, the latest game from Arkane, decided to combine their signature immersive sim gameplay with a time loop, as well as adding in a dash of the 60s. Fortunately, the combination work...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

WarioWare: Get It Together! (Switch) Review 4

Note: I played this game solo and without Nintendo Switch Online, so this review is most suited for those with similar parameters. Also, this review will not be in-comparison to previous WarioWare games.Wario may live under the shadow of his arch-rival Mario, but that doesn’t stop him from showing up from time-to-time with an occasional WarioWare release. Much like the many other franchises under Nintendo’s belt, this garlic-loving anti-hero brought his long-running series to the Swi...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Cannon Brawl (Switch) Review 0

Note: review code provided by Blitworks. Also, my final score for this game is 3.5/5.For me, artillery games are a very early childhood memory rooted in Flash. Launching cannon shots and chunking away at the terrain has been around for a surprisingly long time in video games, and Cannon Brawl takes that formula and changes it up by injecting real-time-strategy elements into the mix. All of it blends well and the game is fun when it all works together, but if the conditions aren’t right the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hades (PC, Switch) Review 0

While rogue-lites are quite fun, they can be rather restrictive in certain ways. Trying to tell a story, for example, is rather difficult given the run-based nature of the genre. What Supergiant Games have done with Hades, however, shows that anything is achievable if you have the right ideas and put your resources in the right places. Not only does it evolve the rogue-lite genre with ease, it’s also a singleplayer game that is just as fun and engaging at hour one as it is at hour eighty, ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Biomutant (PC) Review 0

Note: review code provided by THQ Nordic / and will include spoilers.Four years ago, I played a demo of Biotmutant at Gamestop Expo in Las Vegas. A lot of time has passed, a lot of games have released, and I have written many blogs since then. It’s now 2021, and Biomutant has finally hit store shelves, and my little history with it is coming to a close. Unfortunately, while this game does stand out in a few ways, it didn’t quite shape up to be a game worth the wait.Takin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.