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Completed Part One

Here is the first part of the list of all the games where I have completed the main single-player campaign at least once.

Theres probably 50 more games I'm completely forgetting, but this is it for now.

List items

  • An amazing game that I recommend to everyone. Almost every aspect of the game is fantastic. There was one thing that bugged the hell out of me for the entire game, the health. Your health would drop so quickly and the 'Press Y to heal' is buggy, doesn't always respond. You almost have to stand still for a second or so and press Y again, this is almost certain death in a fire fight.

    I also swayed heavily towards stealth, using the bow for almost all of the game, occasionally using the sniper rifle from a great distance. When it came time for the missions towards the end of the game, I was finding myself out of my depth and getting my ass kicked because I couldn't cope with the action having been stealth for 99% of the time.

    The story is great, it's refreshing to have a story that makes sense, surprises you and seems to fit the environment so well.

    I'll give it a 9/10 but it could have gotten a 10/10 if the health/heal system wasn't so damn buggy and slow.

  • I decided to replay MGS4 recently because first time through it in 2009, I didn't enjoy it, I felt it was a poor game, with crappy controls and story lines that went too far. But alas, I replayed it.

    This time round I enjoyed the story a lot more. Since 2009 I had replayed and for the first time actually completed MGS3. This filled in a lot of the back story that I was missing first time around in MGS4. MGS3 has actually become one of my favourite games of all time, so I enjoyed MGS4 a lot more second time through. It's still weird as hell, but having bridged the gap with MGS3, I can see how much MGS4 is like MGS3 and thus, it's not a bad game, but infact a decent game. Better than MGS2 but not as good as MGS3.

  • Playstation 3 HD Collection:

    I just recently completed Splinter Cell 1 HD Version on the PS3. Old games are hard! The poor controls really show through, I loved Splinter Cell back in the day, but this was quite hard. I'm looking forward to Chaos Theory more due to its better control scheme and newer engine. Pandora Tomorrow has some fixes on the original, but not too thrilled about having to play the second game first.

    Xbox 1:

    The first. The game that became my favourite gaming series ever. I actually bought this as part of my first xbox 1 pack with 4 games. But I didn't play this game until a few weeks later on Christmas morning. I was kicking myself as it was so immersive and additive, I couldn't stop playing all day.

  • A relatively quick game to finish. Nothing shocking and no big twists. Just more of the same from the first game with better weapons and more combat focused. I never felt out of my depth and I enjoyed the ride. It wasn't a great game, but it is more than ok. At least I've filled in the gap I was going to leave by going straight from Bioshock 1 which I completed a few years ago to the new Bioshock Infinite. I give this a game a 6/10, it loses a lot of points for being bland on the story side, but the gameplay saves it from being lower.

  • A great game. I can't tell if it is indeed better than F1 2011 or not, because I've become so saturated by F1 games, playing literately hundreds of hours in each game. The minimum of 25% length race mode for career is the biggest let down. You need to devote half an hour to each race, that's too much sometimes. I've completed a tedious season and also a season of the challenge mode, which was actually really enjoyable and I'm going to put this one to bed until I feel inspired to play some more. It's difficult to give sports games a proper score, but I'd have to give it a 7/10.

  • I enjoyed my time with Hitman: Absolution, but it wasn't a fantastic game. It was very linear. Yes there were many ways to take the enemies out but they usually involved methods that were too painstaking for little reward. I actually changed my 'ghost' style play half way through the game to adapt to the games story, Agent 47 is on the run, he hasn't got time to spare bad guys lives, they're bad guys, they took out an entire orphanage of nuns, these guys deserved to die! So by changing over to a more action based approach, I enjoyed what I was doing more. I give the game a 6/10. It's also got some great graphics.

  • Started out very slow. Took a long time to get going. Didn't have the same magic as ACII or Brotherhood. Never really clicked with it. The graphics were very dull and grey, always washed out. Never enjoyed looking at the screen during this game. I was never invested in the story. It's a poor 6/10 for this. Almost all of that 6 comes from the fighting mechanics being quite fun to start big battles. But overall a really crap ending and sluggish, painful sequences ruined what could have become a fantastic game. Such a shame.

  • Fantastic cinematics, great voice acting and cut-scenes. The story was a little flat until the end, they should have had even more Cortana interaction to make the ending have more of an impact. The gameplay is still a little drawn out, kill everything, rinse and repeat a few times, press the button, every level! I did enjoy the death star trench last level in the ship, the first time. But after the 3rd or 4th time of hitting the edges and exploding and having to start the entire section over again, it became the worst part of the game. Great game, not excellent. I'd give it an 7.5 out of 10, the cutscenes and graphics bring it up from a 6.

  • It took me 42 hours to eek out all the single player fun, all side quests completed, missed one due to time limit, but oh well. Great end to a trilogy, great end to the game. I tried a few endings out and kinda liked the synthesis one most. Highly recommended to all.

  • Great Visuals, acting, music and sounds. But poor controls ruin this game. There are way too many unfair fights with waves of enemies that ruin the experience. Could have been a 9 or 10 but due to the 'cheap' constant gun battles, I'm gonna say 7/10.

  • Can you ever really finish Minecraft? I collected all the minerals, I built a killer network of caves and I got all the achievements. you could play this

    game forever!

  • Started off too slow, boring and over-whelming me with new silly mini games etc. I felt so confused and let down. But as the story progressed I got hooked. Seeing the end of Altair and Ezio's Journey was fantastic, 3 years finally wrapped up. Its not the best game in the series, but it is better than the first. I would rank Assassin's Creed 2 as top, followed by Brotherhood, then Revelations and finally the first game.

  • Glorious. Absolutely pure enjoyment. The story was gripping, the characters where great and the gameplay and pacing was perfect. I loved every minute of it. It took all the best bits of all Metal Gear Solid games and mixed them into one perfect blend. After Skyrim, probably my favourite game ever.

  • Well I wouldn't have given this 'Game of the Year 2011' like so many publications did. It was a very enjoyable game, just the right length, but with only a couple of complicated puzzles thrown in for good measure. Longer than the first Portal Game and with the inclusion of Stephen Merchant for good measure. Great game, not game of the year 2011, that goes to Skyrim!

  • Xbox 360:

    I've just finished playing MGS2 in HD on Xbox 360 as part of the HD Collection. 10 years after finishing the PS2 game, I've changed my opinion on the game and can kind of see where Hideo Kojima was going with the story line. It was much easier than I remember it being the first time I played it and I enjoyed the cut-scenes more too. I doubt I'll play this one again, but it's nice to know I have it in HD on my 360. Onto MGS3 in HD next.


    A very highly anticipated game. I took the day off college to get this one. I played through in one sitting from about 6pm until early hours of the morning. The ending, coupled with sleep deprivation didn't help. A great game ruined by utterly ridiculous plot and limited controls and limited environment interactivity.

  • Without a doubt the best game I've ever played. I've just completed the main quest lines, as well as the Thieves Guild, the College of Winterhold and over 150 side quests. I've spent over 125 hours in the game and I know I'll be returning for much more to complete the Dark Brotherhood and Companions quest lines too. The game is perfect. Finally glad to bring part of the game to an end as I could have played this game forever!

  • Took me about a week to complete in the evenings on Hardcore with a friend. To be honest it was very very easy even on Hardcore. Either I got damn awesome since Gears 2 or they made it too easy. The story was cliché and unoriginal but I had fun and the graphics were great in places. The overall problem stemmed from the fact Gears of War just got stale for me, I'd seen and done it all by the end of Gears 2, in Gears 3 I never felt like I was in peril, in Gears 1 and 2, that happened often. Will attempt insane one day, hopefully with 4 people to get the achievements.

  • I started this game with a personal crisis happening and I think it effected my enjoyment of the start of the game. After completing the whole game, you can't fault Rocksteady's execution, they've probably made a better Batman game gameplay wise than Arkham Asylum, but I thought the story was a little lack-luster compared to the the last game. I prefered the pacing and story in the previous title, there was much more difficulty with bosses also, I remember spending ages trying to beat Poison Ivy and Killer Croc, but the only parts to trouble me here were fist fights with a gaggle of armed guards and those brandishing shields. I'll give it an 8 out of 10, it could have scored higher for me if there was a bit more structure than just go here, do this, go here do that.

  • The campaign was relatively short, but it was very well crafted. Perhaps a little too much like Call of Duty, lots of 'on rails' segments, but overall I really enjoyed it. The Jet sequence and the sniper cover at night in the rain were my two stand out moments. Fantastic graphics really helped immerse me in the world. Onto the multiplayer now...

  • A fantastic game. I enjoyed every moment of it. It had elements of Zelda games woven into the Fable gameplay of old and a feeling of World of Warcraft. A great story that was easy to follow and went interesting places. Very enjoyable and not at all repetitive. I give it 9/10. It loses points for allowing me to completely miss some massive area's of the game completely.

  • A unique approach to a modern gameplay style. The motion tracked, perfomance acting that was used for characters has changed gaming forever, as many games as possible will have to use this technology moving forward, where it's required that is. The game itself got a little tedious around the half way point, but then got really interesting. It's a 8 or 9/10 for me. It would be a 10 I think if there was more replay value. But it was really enjoyable and the characters were all amazing.

  • The Ballard of Gay Tony was much better than The Lost and Damned. Fun DLC. Wasn't fantastic but then GTA4 is hard to play these days with it's sluggish, unresponsive controls. Glad I finally finished this DLC combo pack.

  • Continuing the story right where ACII finished. Improves on the mini games and activities. The story is just brilliant, with smooth, flowing gameplay. It didn't have the impact that ACII had, but that was to be expected as this wasn't shiny brand new like the previous game. The ending was to rival Lost's ending. I really can't wait for the next Assassin's Creed game.

  • A nice simple introduction to the point and click style adventure with a little more interaction expected of modern adventure games. I loved how they've taken ideas from the movies and mixed them together, so the 'going back in time to save Doc' from the third movie and the fun of being back in time from the first movie. I had good fun with this and completed it in a good 2 hour sitting. The second chapter looks great with some elements of the second movie, being in the same timeline as the first episode, making sure you're not seen, etc.

  • Could have been a great game but poor AI, crappy collision detection and bugs brought it down for me. There were times I had to restart whole levels due to AI characters becoming stuck in the scenery. But there were times, for instance during the Vietnam battles, where I thought awesome! So it's really a hit and miss of a game. Tried multiplayer and it's actually quite good, better than what I expected. Maps are good so far and flow is just right, so there is still a lot of mileage left in it yet I hope!

  • Completed my first full season, every season after this of course is repeat, so essentially completed as I won the drivers title and constructors title in first year!

  • Not as fun to play as Halo 3. Had its moments, but just was boring overall. The cinematic's were by far the most interesting parts, I found myself racing through levels just to see the story unfold. It's a 7 out 10, no better for me. I have zero interest in multiplayer due to morons ruining experience back with Halo 2.

  • Much better than the first free instalment. Although there was a reduced sense of danger compared to the first episode, they made up for it in intrigue and more fun puzzles. I enjoyed the coloured number puzzles. Voice acting as always with the characters was fun and never boring.

  • Poor game with pathetic boss fights that 'cheat' the player out of any ounce of fun that was ever to be had. The best part of the game is available in the free demo, plus you have all your force powers in that demo I suggest people just play the demo for their 'force fix'.

  • Chore. Chore. Chore. I finally got Stone Cold unlocked after several years of crappy online matches with a friend. And now we're looking at upgrading to Smackdown 2010 release!

  • Well in 2007 I began Ocarina of Time for probably the 20th time in my life. I got further this time than I had ever gotten before in a single save file, to the Shadow Temple. Now I've completed the game before, but never in a single file, always finishing someone else's save when around theirs, or starting my own many times, but in August 2007, I began the save on my Gamecube Special Zelda Collection disk version of Ocarina of Time. Today, over 3 years later, after a playing on and off for the past 3 days I have picked up from the shadow temple, blasted through the Spirit temple and finished Ganon's castle. I've completed Ocarina of Time, what I consider to be my favourite game of all time! Phew...

  • Completed over a very long time. Granted I could replay all titles for many more achievements, but I completed all campaigns and even some additionals. I think I've replayed through Half-Life 2 for the last time with this. Onto Half-Life 2 Episode Three next!

  • A perfect sequel to HL2:E1. Finally out in the open, tree's, greenery, expanse! Such a great game, the story and voice acting was almost like a movie, a very good movie. Only thing to hamper this game was the questionable balancing issues with the final strider battle. I actually screamed out 'This game sucks balls' several times while trying to save those buildings for the achievement, until I finally just said screw it! What an ending also, can't wait for the third!

  • Beautifully carries on from HL2. Suffers from too much indoor sneaking and tunnel play, but overall feels good and the story has purpose and drive and makes you want to get out of that damn town!

  • Played for 92 hours 20 mins and 25 seconds. Completed all quests and all DLC packs. Possibly the greatest game I've ever played.

  • Lovely little Doctor Who game, probably spent an hour playing it. Wasn't too bad, especially as it was free!

  • A story with a twist that I didn't see coming and I see EVERYTHING coming usually! Well done sir's, well done!

  • A very disappointing game to be honest. Length was questionable, 6-7 hours if you stretch it out. Very limited number of enemies, almost linear level design and it even comes with a 'win game for me' button allowing you get instant headshots, I thought that was the whole appeal?! It took all the challenge out of Splinter Cell, what made the series great. I just hope to god they make a true Splinter Cell sequel to Chaos Theory, otherwise Chaos Theory will forever be the last true Splinter Cell.

  • A beautifully paced and under-rated single player campaign. This game reminds me of the A-Team way too much. Having recently gone through the campaign again, I think it was much better than Modern Warfare 2.

  • The perfect sci-fi. Epic doesn't seem like a word big enough to describe the universe Bioware created. This game is as detailed as star trek ever was but with much more action and interesting characters.

  • The first of an epic trilogy. I waited almost 2 years between buying this game and actually finishing it, I kicked myself when I finally did finish it as it was so damn good!

  • Best game available on PS3 by far. Animations and feel of controls make a dream to play, gorgeous graphics don't do any harm either! It's games like this that make the PS3 worth the ridiculous amount of money it costs.

  • Completed 100%, all 1000 Gamerscore points and all aspects of game explored and finished. Astonishing game, the art, the setting, the tone.

  • This was pure popcorn all the way from start to end. It's short but its quality all the way. Multiplayer is fast as hell and very addictive and enjoyable.

  • One of the best games I played in 2009. So fun and enticing. A true 'game' with perfect level design and voice acting. Not a bug in sight either, smooth to play!

  • The first AC, mind blowing. Fluid controls, as someone once said, it's the best batman game ever made! Basically a demo, a proof of concept, the sequel more than improved the formula.

  • Again like the first of this trilogy, I was never really a fan, never saw the true appeal. I respect the games entirely as being some of the most brutal and enjoyable game and story I've played. Its just not my favourite.

  • GTA4 is one of those games that is so epic that you could never really experience every single thing it has to offer even with 1000 hours of gameplay. The city of liberty city is so dense and so full of things to do, it feels real. I loved every moment of this game, but it does suffer from running on ice control syndrome and a slight sluggish delay to character control, also driving controls, it almost feels like there is a delay sometimes when playing. Overall the story was great and the missions they entailed where well thought out and actually always enjoyable, except for the friends missions!

  • Very very intriguing and interesting game. I love the disguise mechanic and being able to assassinate people through their own stupidity by setting up accidents. Very addictive fun this game.

  • The best Splinter Cell game to date by a long shot. The graphics, the story, the level design, the audio, it all comes together to make one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

  • The first and ultimate of the modern warfare series. I got into the beta for COD4 and right then, from the first 60fps match online I was hooked. The single player was just like a movie and hit all the right notes, real gems where the SAS levels where you played as Soap McTavish and the Chernobyl level especially.

  • A truly epic Zelda game. Pure fan-service. Completed in around 70 hours the last time I checked, boy did I squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of this, a 70 hour zelda game!!!?? Finally!

  • Xbox 360 - Campaign had some great moments, being able to take your sunglasses off in Kinsasha was probably the most memorable bit for me.

    Xbox - A different game completely to the one on the 360, wasn't as enjoyable as previous title chaos theory, but still not a bad game.

  • The first racing game I powered through and finished the main campaign on. Getting to rank number 1 on PGR4 took me a LONG time. A fun arcade style racer which doesn't feel too dumbed down, but is still not as hard as a sim. Thoroughly enjoyable.

  • Didn't really feel too much of a leap above the first two. Still suffered from copy & paste level design with multiple levelled facilities in which every floor felt the same. Its a great game still with an expansive storyline and a great ending. The co-op features did make it a fun game and made it last longer for me. Shame the community ruined the online play for me.

  • Treyachs attempt at a full Call of Duty title failed in my eyes from poor balancing and crappy level design issues. Even the multiplayer levels are just dumb. This game was a pain to finish.

  • Well, it's worms, in HD! Fun game even now. I should make more of an effort to play this.

  • Gears of War wasn't my type of game really, still isn't but after itself and it's sequel I'm looking forward to the third part a lot. I do grow to like the Gears games the more I don't play them, if that makes sense.

  • Half-Life 2...right up there with the best of the them. Such a well paced game with well planned and designed levels and story. I love that eastern European feel the game has in an alien enslaved world. Perfect gameplay with perfect weapons. Loved almost every minute of it. Ravenholme still scares the crap out of me.

  • Better game than the first, with more to do and more interesting levels. But again suffers from boring, ill-planned levels. To think I've actually only completed this game the once. Doubt I'll ever go back now to be honest, it was such a chore first time through.

  • After becoming addicted to Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow was one of the first console games I ever highly anticipated. A great game but it sure shows that the original creators (Ubi Montreal) didn't create it. It feels more like a fan-made sequel. Still a good game with some awesome level designs.

  • I got this for the PC a while after its initial release. I was blown away by certain elements of the single player, the Russian campaign was very good. The multiplayer was one of the best I've ever played.

  • Great game, but ruined by repetitive level design that just resulted in pure boredom. Great game engine though with fun physics and gun play.

  • I HIGHLY!!! anticipated this title, it was actually released on my birthday (Nov 9th) and was received as a present from my best friend. Loved it more than GTA3, the music, the setting, the levels where just amazing. This game captures the 80s so well.

  • The first game that blew me away on the PS2. I remember taking the day off college for this one.

  • Great visuals, great story, great tone, crappy controls. Controls utterly ruined this entire game.

  • I actually completed this on the PS2 to be honest for the first time. I own the PC version along with the Half-Life: Source remake on Steam. Great game but with a kind of boring ending.

  • I bought a Nintendo Gameboy Advance for the release of Pokemon Gold. I remember it becoming a chore in the end to complete it as it was so deep and such a long game with so much to do.

  • Bought it for my black and white gameboy back in the day. I got the blue edition. I have fond memories of lying on the living room rug with family watching tv and jumping up and screaming 'I caught a taurus' which was notoriously hard to catch in the safari zone. Great games, such a fun time playing them.

  • The first true FPS I ever played. The memories are too countless to think about. A perfect slick game that's even fun to play now!

  • One of the first games that got me into games. Borrowed from a friend, had me hooked for an entire weekend. I don't think I've felt the same impact from playing a game so much over such a short time like I have from MGS1.

  • Possibly the best 3D platformer I've ever played, nothing has come close yet...