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A few games I got to Play in 2019

I dig getting into a game and letting it be the only thing that you do for a while. At the start of 2019 I lost my job but was kept on payroll because it would have been a PR nightmare for the company I worked for. So here is a list, in no particular order, of the games I played the most in 2019.

List items

  • I have it installed on my PS4 and my Switch and I love it. I got to that big reveal part about 40 hours in to the game and I was kind of blown away. Seriously I'm usually not into these types of games but the loot cycle clicked for me. Every time I gain the materials to craft another weapon or Warframe it feels like I'm cheating the game a bit. Like "Haha you charge people for this but I got it for free!" even though it probably took me 10 hours to farm for the blueprints I needed.

  • Baba is me, baba is smart, Andrew is dumb, Andrew can't get this one puzzle and refuses to look at a guide out of pride. So I won't be finishing this one. But its awesome.

  • I only learned about this game from Giant Bomb, which is funny as I have been playing its equally as hard older sibling Slain: Back from Hell. I'm all about that over the top metal vibe. Its like playing a game set in the world of Metalacolypse. I was in a metal band for a few years so I know that most of that stuff is never taken too seriously but its a lot of fun every time I find a new weapon and my dude headbangs while playing air guitar.

  • Honk! Honk honk honk honk, honk and honk. Honking honk with more honking honk that honk can honk!

  • I find myself cursing at my Switch whenever I play online because of how good other players are at this game. I thought I knew how to be good at Tetris. Then this came along and now I'm not good at Tetris anymore. I did get to snag that sweet ass Gameboy theme for the game though when it came around. I think that's actually why I still play it. Even though I suck I still get stuff out of it. Like the game is saying, "Hey thanks for not throwing your Switch/Joycon across the room here's a reward!"

  • I LOVE THE CASTLEVANIA SERIES!!! This came out at the perfect time when I was laid off but getting full paychecks still and so I had a lot of time on my hands. I played through all of the original 3 games. Played Castlevania 4 for the first time and was disappointing to see it was sort of a rehashing of the first game. Still a lot of fun and then they updated it with all of the Japanese versions and playing the Famicom version Castlevania 3 with the better sounding music is worth the $20 price tag.

  • I'm still playing this one on my Switch and in short bursts as I'm playing while at work on my short breaks. I know its probably 2 years old at this point but damn its fun. No spoilers for me as I haven't gotten to the big reveal. Unless I have and I don't know it cause it was ruined for me while listening to one of this sites podcasts.

  • A new episode of original Doom from the man himself John Romero. It was so hard and just so brutal. I didn't buy it at first as I wanted to see if it would be worth my time to play it. The second stage has you up against two different Cyberdemons in two different places. I paid the 6 bucks and found myself enjoying the Buckethead produced soundtrack.

  • I really enjoy jumping on and just going through that random mode to see what people have come up with. I found myself in one game that was like walking through a vivid nightmare complete was jump scares and shrill sound effects. Also I've had a ton of fun downloading already made assets -like Mario, Ironman, Darth Vader, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, and Batman- and having them interact in ways no one would ever think to. Seriously can't wait to see what else they do with this on the PS5.

  • I bought this to get a feel for what Cadence of Hyrule would be like and I ended up not buying Cadence but I keep playing this on my switch. Its probably the oldest game on this list but I played a hell of a lot of it this year.