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Average score of 3 user reviews

Over rated, over hyped, generic 2

   Mass Effect is a sci-fi action RPG from the folks who made "Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic" and it shows. You are a special operative, above the law, trying to save the galaxy.   The story is this games greatest asset. the universe is well thought out and kind of even seems plausibe as a real future somtimes,based on all the real world tech jammed in. My only story complaint is the lead male voice (never tried being the girl). Mark Meer, the voice of Shepard, delivers a bland and lif...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A far cry from the original Farcry 0

   (This review originally writtin on Mar 20, 2006)         Farcry instincts is a fps that is way to late to the party, and in my opinion should never have been released on the Xbox. The story is so forgettable that ive honestly forgot about most of the details since i played it 5 months ago. As a fan of the pc Farcry, I was very excited to hear about a console version of the game, but was skeptical about the Xbox being able to make a game so beautiful. Five seconds into the game i can tell that...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A good time online 0

     (This review was written 4-20-2006)Battlefield 2 for the 360 is a fast paced,team based, fps that is best played online for the best experience. Ive been playing Modern Combat on the 360 since it came out, and while it is the game i play most, its not without flaws.For being "Modern" ..., where are the jets? No "modern" battlefield in the world exists without jets. Small complaint, but the pc version seems to be more realistic.I have a very fast connection but still experience occasional la...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.