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Harry review/retrospective

Well ive seen the movie and its good, very good. So good in fact i almost cried. Yes such a many man as me almost cried at the end of a movie. That would be the first movie i eve.... second..... third.... fourth yes fourth movie i would have cried at the end of. Well if you thought Sgt. Johnson went out with a bang its no more than a roman candle compared to the nuke sized 2 hour climax that is this film.  When you watch 14 plus hours of movie it should end with a explosions explosions explosions and more explos wait this movie does more than action. Like have humor and have the 19 years later portion. The retrospective part of this is watch the others. My one complaint is that no one said "The scar had not pained him for nineteen years.  All was well" i mean they have Stepehen Fry saying it for the Audiobook already or if you wanted to make my dreams come true have Morgan Freeman say it. that is a clue to one of the movies i cried at the end of. The other two have Tom Hanks.