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Insensitive game journalism in relation to the disaster in Japan

While reading through my RSS feed, I came across this post from Massively. I will give you a minute to go read that, but I doubt it will take you long to reach a similar feeling I did.  I couldn't believe what I was reading. How did the site's editor let something like this go up? How did the author, Eliot Lefebvre, not see this as distasteful? I think this is something that should be commented on, especially for a site dealing in MMO news, but there is a tactful way to do it. The first paragraph of Lefebvre's article is a textbook example of how not to report it, with a focus on his last sentence as being my biggest issue (I have added the bold): 

Unless you've deliberately avoiding learning about what's going on in the world, you've doubtlessly heard of the massive earthquake that hit Japan on Friday. Our thoughts and good wishes go to any and all of our readers, and their friends and families, directly affected by the disaster. But it hits people in many ways, and it's even reaching into the MMO sphere, with both Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV shutting down completely for at least a week of service.    

What Eliot is basically saying here is: We are really sorry this has happened to you and yours and the thousands dead and missing, but this thing has caused downtime on FFXI and FFXIV. I understand he did not mean it that way, but the last sentence sounds very dismissive. This all stems from being poorly worded, which and editor should catch.
An example of a better way to report this event can be found on Massively's sister sites: Joystiq. Ben Gilbert writes the following (this link takes you to the entire article): 

Given the enormity of the events in Japan right now, it feels kind of ridiculous to be writing about the massive earthquake's effect on video game servers, but here we are. Both Final Fantasy XI and XIV have had their servers temporarily closed in an effort by Square Enix to help conserve energy in the ailing country. The publisher's web portal services will also be temporarily closed.    

That is vastly improved  over Lefebvre's post. He is right; the idea that this even matters is crazy, but as a game site, they want to report it (and in the least offensive way). Gilbert even makes sure to direct readers to the Red Cross site, which was not even a thought in the other article (again, not believing he purposefully omitted the information, I'm just saying).  
I think the case could be further argued that Joystiq or any other site besides your FFO fan pages or the official site needed to report on this, but at least Ben Gilbert came across as a guy who knew that and not a guy who was more worried servers were down. I don't play either Final Fantasy MMOs, but don't they have new articles posted on their site, game launcher, or emails? That seems like a good place to get this information. 
[Updated 3/16 9:00 a.m.] I added to my introduction of Lefebvre's quote, my comment after said quote (trying to clarify my already clear statement that I don't believe he meant it to sound the way it did to me), and put the sentence I have the most issue with in bold. I also added some more clarification throughout the post.