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Best of 2012

Since Persona 4 was released this year 2012 is technically one of the best years in games ever. Excluding it, 2012 is still pretty decent. Especially for strategy stuff with OGs 2 and XCOM.

List items

  • History's Greatest Video Game now on a new system which makes it the GOTY by default.

  • The best new game that is not Persona 4 to come out in 2012. It's awesome and the narrative you create for yourself and your crew is something I wish more games were capable of.

  • The PC version of this wicked as Hell game from 2011. I did not play this game when it came out on consoles. What a fool I was!!!

  • This game is absolutely gorgeous to behold and is a very good SRW strategy RPG to boot. Probably the best since Z1.

  • This game is better than 95% of the stuff released this year despite probably costing 7 dollars to make.

  • TellTale decided to make a good game for once. Amazing what is possible when you actually try. Keep it up!!!!

  • You gotta see this.

  • Better than Borderlands 1 despite having the worst character to ever appear in any media: Tiny Tina.

  • Someone not Nintendo made a good as heck Wii game. How weird!!! The super Britishness of the voice acting adds a ton of charm to this game, but even without that it is like FF12-2 and FF12 was pretty dang good.

  • This is the best GTA game ever made.