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You don't NEED to watch the show or read the books but a lot of things will make a lot more sense if you at least watch the show. I was going to just play it without watching it, but decided at the last minute to pick up the show. I was caught up with the show the beginning of this month and jumped right into the game, and I was kinda glad I took the time to watch the show because I understood what was going on in the game and knew who characters where and what to expect of them. It actually made it easier for me to play lol

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I'm really enjoying the game. I've actually been getting into these types of games thanks to Telltales The Walking Dead. I love the story of the game and I love how each choice has it's own consequences. It reminds me a lot of those old Goosbumps books where it gives you a list of choices and for whatever choice you make, you turn to a certain page, first interactive game ever! lol

The only thing I really don't like is the waiting in between episodes... two months (sometimes more) between each episode? It sucks! I would rather them give us all five episodes to play with while they work on the next season. You're left with having to settle with fanfictions and fan art until each episode comes out lol

BTW did anyone end up going to Kate's website out of curiosity? >.>

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I saved Kate, I was actually shocked when Max first walks up to the school and see's Kate falling. I'm curious as well to how much the gameplay changes (if at all) from the two different choices you could have made. But I ended up blaming Nathan for it, to me it just made the most sense. But afterwards I realized that Max is probably going to be getting more threats in the next episode thanks to it >__> well... it's a good thing she can rewind time...

As for the files, I could have sworn those were Davids..? Didn't we see those in the garage while at Chole's place? >.> Or was that something else?

I also tried to shoot Frank, I felt bad for not helping Chloe out with David before, so I figured I needed to step it up a bit with her... by attempting to kill Frank LOL

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#4  Edited By Feral_Nova

I collect anything Batman Related I can afford to get lol except for the action figures... never had an interest in collecting action figures.

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#5  Edited By Feral_Nova

I don't deal with name calling outside of gaming. I keep to myself, others tend to leave me alone, so I'm good.

But on xbl thats when I'm being called names left and right lol Either by adults or kids. I just ignore them, not worth wasting my breath on them.

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#6  Edited By Feral_Nova

I've never played the first game :( wish I had BUT I have the second one! lol last time I played it was... sometimes this year lol I do plan on getting Bioshock infinite when it comes out! ^_^

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#7  Edited By Feral_Nova

So far I've used it a total of ZERO times. I don't jump around from xbox to xbox, no need to, I'm the only one of my friends and family who games xP

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#8  Edited By Feral_Nova

Brink -_- I've never been so disappointed in a game in my life!

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#9  Edited By Feral_Nova

I personally love Gotham City Impostors and there are still a lot of people who play it online. To me, it has a mixture of Halo and CoD but with a fun/comical cartoon feel to it.

But to be honest I've never played Trails :-/ so I guess my suggestions is really only one way.

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#10  Edited By Feral_Nova
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Hey Bombers!

I’m here to try and promote something that my gaming group I'm a part of has been building up to do for the past three months, and now it’s just three days away and I want to ask YOU guys for help.

Dames That Game is going to be hosting a 24hrs Stream Charity event THIS Friday (21st) for Child’s Play Charity on For those of you who don’t know what Child’s Play is (No, not the Chucky movie xP) let me give you a quick run through what it is.

Child’s Play is a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in their network of over 70 hospitals worldwide. With the help of hospital staff, they are able to set up gift wish lists full of video games, toys, books, and other fun stuff for kids. Child’s Play also receives cash donations throughout the year. With those cash donations, they can purchase new consoles, peripherals, games, and more for hospitals and therapy facilities. These donations allow for children to enjoy age-appropriate entertainment, interact with their peers, friends, and family, and can provide vital distraction from an otherwise generally unpleasant experience

Now, for those of you who wonder "Well how much of my money is actually going to be going to the charity and not to DtG? (Dames That Game)" let me answer proudly that 100% of EVERYTHING we raise will be given directly to Child's Play! Our group is not out to raise money for ourselves, this is strictly for the charity. Our goal is currently $200, which I personally think is low, but I know we can raise more and surpass that amount with YOUR help. I’m not trying to promote my group, I’m not even asking you to watch the stream itself (although if you do, the two girls who WILL be streaming for the 24hrs will be very grateful for any support they can get ^_^). What I AM asking you is to help kids out there who are stuck in hospitals, around unfamiliar surroundings or even to help kids who seem like they live in hospitals and want some sort of normality, even if its through gaming.

For those who don't have any money to donate, but want to help, don't feel discouraged D: What you can do is help by telling others about the stream! Through facebook, twitter, tumblr etc..! And actually being there in the stream to help keep the streamer awake during the marathon will help as well! :D

If you are still unsure about this you can click on the 'Child's Play Charity' link below, it will take you directly to the Child’s Play Charity website so you can see for yourself what its all about. Or if you have any questions I'll give you a link to both the DtG facebook and twitter page so you can ask there. Or you could ask here and I'll do my best to answer the questions for you.

Help us, help children all over the nation through the power of gaming! ♥

Thanks for the time!


Child's Play Site

Dames That Game channel (where the stream will be held)

DtG Facebook

DtG Twitter

(Sorry if I put this in the wrong section :-/ Wasn't too sure where to put it)