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Top 10 favorite games.

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  • Most fun I have had playing an RPG, it was the first game that got me into open world RPGS. I have bought the game 3 different times and it was worth it every time. (total hours played= 480 hours)

  • I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing this game, spent 200 hours lanning this game with 3 friends over a month. In total I have put 350 hours or more in this game and loved every second.

  • Great throwback to the original PCrpg, dropped more time in one play through and all the DLC than I did in 3 play through of ME2.

  • Amazing story, amazing graphics (on PC at least) and good gameplay.

  • Again, I love Oblivion and because of that I would of course love a game that was pretty much the same thing but in a post apocalyptic future.... that combined with all the great expansion packs and the hundreds of hours I have played this game is what puts it on my list.

  • Graphics, RAPTURE. The end

  • What can I say, amazing story and great game play.

  • Good story and great gameplay.

  • One of my favorite games, I am not sure why but I play this game every 6 months. I have been doing that since the day I got the game 5 years ago. I dont know what it is but every 6 months I sit down on a lazy Saturday and beat the game.