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Nope. Games that tend to be discussed during GB goty podcasts are either games I have no interest in playing or will get around to eventually but don't care about getting spoiled.

I used to care a whole lot about finishing games before I put them onto my own list, but then I realized I don't give that much of a shit and people reading probably care even less, so I just comprise the list based on how I feel about each game wherever I'm at with it at that point in time finished or not.

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My only issue was the sound design/editing was weird. For one, none of Dracula's generals or generic soldiers have any voice acting whatsoever which was really weird to me. They don't say a fucking word at any point. Now, normally, that wouldn't be so bad, but when you have them slaughtering innocents or fighting, it starts to stand out in a bad way especially when you have Godbrand yelling his ass off whenever he does anything.

Also, there were just straight-up missing sounds. When the priests are destroying Lisa's home, there are several points when they're just flinging shit all over the place and none of it is making any noise from the moment it gets hit to the moment it hits the floor/wall. Same thing happens in a few of the action scenes where there's just no sound on impact whatsoever. A head will get ripped off and blood will spray everywhere and there's just nothing.

And lastly, some of the character animation did not line up with the voice at all. It's most noticeable with Carmilla who at one point had her character screaming her ass off, but the voice was slightly raised at best.

I need to be clear. None of this ruined the show for me, but noticing it did kinda take me out of whatever scene I was watching for a split second.

Other than that, I loved it.

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Biggest disappointment for me is Rise of the Tomb Raider. I liked TR2013, bought Rise on sale because news of Shadow started to come out and I was all like "hmmm, I could go for some more Tomb Raider!" and I walked away without even finishing it. I'm really curious to know why they went so far with the somber tone. Good god, it makes an SMT game look like Mario Party. At least characters in SMT smile and laugh and those games are grim as fuck. I got so tired of listening to Lara go on and on and on about her dad, Trinity, the Prophet, and whatever other dumb bullshit she has to say. Then open world sucks. Traversing the environment got old. Survival Instincts is crutch disguised as a mechanic to make up for the fact exploring the environment is more of a chore than anything else. I just did not find it to be a pleasant experience at any point after maybe the first few hours after the excitement of a new game wore off.

As for pleasant surprise, the only one I can think of is Bomber Crew. Everything other game I've bought/played has turned out pretty much like I expected which has been good for me. Bomber Crew though I tried on a whim because it was on Gamepass and although I haven't played a lot of it, I had a great time. It's got a great look and deceptively deep gameplay that's presented in a manageable way. Like there's a lot going on, but I never felt like I was fighting with controls or fumbling through menus or anything like that. It's a neat little game that I wholly recommend if it looks like it might be your thing.

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Tried Elder Scrolls, Shadowverse, and Hearthstone. Didn't care for any. Gwent is one of my least favorite bits of the Witcher. None of the upcoming CCGs look appealing to me. I think I'm just gonna accept the fact that CCGs are not my thing. Even if they dropped a big budget Yugioh or Pokemon CCG right now, I doubt that would be enough to get me to play and I used to love both as a kid.

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The start of this game is probably my "best moment" moment of the year. It when from like 0-60 for me within like 2 seconds. It has like that 30 seconds of the woman talking and at first I was just like "oh okay this is just gonna be some wack ass car porn shit" then they immediately throw you in the driver's seat and suddenly I'm just like "oh fuuuuck, I am way into this!" It's a beautifully fun sequence that I assume does work on that sorta car porn-y level, but yeah it's also just all about fun and it put a big dumb smile on my face.

I've talked about this before on here, but I legit cried playing Sonic Racing Transformed during the Burning Rangers level. I love, love, loooove me some Burning Rangers. I was already losing it when I found out there was any Burning Rangers level at all. I knew nothing about the game because I just kinda bought it on a whim so it was a great surprise. I started losing it again when I finally got to it and noticed they were bought to drop a dope ass remix of the Burning Rangers theme on you. Then, when I think they can't do anymore, not only are the actual Burning Rangers characters themselves flying around the level, when the race starts, Chris the operator comes online and starts giving you directions like she did in the original game (except now they're racing directions which is incredibly fucking cool) and I just couldn't contain myself anymore. Tears were streaming down my face, I was getting choked up, and I just could not stop smiling. I kinda exaggerate how good this game is for laughs from time to time, but playing that level for the first time was genuinely, truly one of my favorite moments in any game ever.

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#6  Edited By BabyChooChoo
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There was an Overwatch free weekend a while back that got me thinking about jumping back into that game. Other than that, Soul Calibur 6 is the only other multiplayer game I'm interested in at the moment.

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#8  Edited By BabyChooChoo

Yeah, this is most likely not the game for you haha. There's a good chunk of story stuff before, during, and after each battle. I like the story, hell, I like this whole game a lot, so much so it's safe to say it's my GOTY. However, so far, it is indeed a looot of anime melodrama so if that's not your thing I would probably avoid it or wait for a pretty big sale.

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@notimeforgaming: Rumors say game is/was real (as in might be from a cancelled project?), but isn't a Rocksteady joint.

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@relkin: @sethmode: @veektarius: Alright, cool. I appreciate it, my dudes! Doesn't sound too bad at all really. Definitely gonna pull the trigger on buying this after I wrap up VC4 then.