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I genuinely cannot believe the only way to search concepts/games in Giant Bomb's wiki is to pick a letter and scroll through dozen...

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Where am I?

I don't think anyone reads this anymore. But at one point at least ten people did. So for anyone who wishes to follow my future works then check out my personal website: 
This is not a "video game reviews website." I know a lot of people in the GB community and game communities in general try to start those. This is a small scope website that's only being helmed by me. My podcast (TalkGames) will be moving from the talkxbox servers to my own server in due time. There's a forum if you want to make an account but really this website is just a podcast host server with a few capabilities if I choose to start writing again. 
Anyway, I remember some cool people on GB being around, I hope you guys are interested enough to follow my future endeavors.