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Average score of 18 user reviews

arbayer2 Reviews: Life of Pixel (PC) 0

Initial impressions, revised:This is another in a long line of feel-good, reverent throwbacks to my gaming childhood: a 2D platformer designed in the aesthetic of several 80s-90s-era, 8 and 16-bit video game consoles, including personal computers of the era.You play a green pixel, appropriately named Pixel, who's fed up with being one in millions on the screens of the latest and greatest AAA titles. Pixel wants to harken back to a simpler time, when pixels really meant something other than a sp...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) 0

Frankly, GTA: San Andreas is the game which got me interested in the franchise. Extremely well-written, expansive, innovative and incredibly fun. CJ is one of the strongest characters Rockstar has ever developed, along with the rest of the character list. The voice acting is incredibly well-done, the music selection is (or was) second only to GTA: Vice City in my opinion. The variety of things you can do in this game is arguably second-to-none in the entire franchise, which helps Rockstar in its...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: SpaceBase DF-9 (PC) 0

Frankly, avoid this game.I bought into the Early Access alpha version of this game because at the time I looked forward to the initial concept of the game as advertised and had faith in Double Fine, developers notorious for several well-received cult classics including Psychonauts and Brutal Legend (controversial but in my opinion a very underrated game), to complete it on-schedule and more or less in a finished form of the advertised concept.It seems apparent, that with the sudden push from 0.6...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: DCS World (PC) 0

I am not an expert on flight simulators by any stretch of the imagination, so fair warning, I may be naive or ignorant in my assessment of this game.That said, by far I believe DCS World, and what I have seen of its addons including DCS: A-10C Warthog, to be the most comprehensive and realistic modern combat flight simulator series I have ever seen. Many thanks to the developers for making the base game available for free on Steam. There's a lot included in DCS World to appeal to both the hardco...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Crazy Taxi (PC) 0

Crazy Taxi is a timeless classic. Its novel use of fare- and stunt-based challenges in what was otherwise basically a technical showcase of a racing game for the Dreamcast inspired numerous knockoffs and created a franchise that spanned a multitude of platforms. It's become a landmark standard of arcade quality for Sega and has, since its introduction, become a mascot franchise for Sega, along with numerous others including the Sonic franchise.This port does not do it justice.There doesn't seem ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Just Cause (PC) 0

I'll be frank. The original Just Cause was extremely advanced for the time, allowing for vertical gameplay, an absolutely MASSIVE world map, capture-the-territory regime change mechanics, car stunts and a politicized CIA story archetype which is pretty distinctive in its conceptualization by Avalanche Studios. I originally played this game for the Xbox 360 at a friend's house and was completely blown away by the freedom the game afforded, its solid controls and its then-gorgeous graphical detail...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (PC) 0

More of an extremely enhanced remake of one of the greatest multiplayer FPSes of all time, CS:GO's got a ton of replay value, extensive Steam Trading/Workshop support and much more. Think Counter-Strike: Source, but with a substantial e-gaming support, user trading and customization layer added in for funsies. I cannot recommend it enough if you've ever played CS before, or if you're looking for an excellent example of simple yet challenging FPS gameplay in an easy-to-run, well-supported and pop...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Race Driver Grid (PC) 0

I originally saw Race Driver: Grid on YouTube. Much like many modern gamers, its uncountable number of Let's Plays and playthroughs showed me at the time that it was one of the most immersive racing games I could get for the PC. Needless to say, I eventually broke down and bought it. This review is solely the experience I've had after having played it (when I could) over the past few years.(If you're wondering about the (relatively extremely short) hour count I have on the Steam version, most of...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: SimCity 4 Deluxe (SimCity 4 + Rush Hour) (PC) 0

To all residents of BCIVille:It has come to my attention that a number of you have filed complaints regarding increasing numbers of traffic collisions, crimes and pollution. Rest assured, as mayor I am hard at work on a plan to solve all of our great city's problems at the same time. I cannot say too much right now as it's still in the planning phase, but the general idea of the BCIVille Renewal Project '14 includes an aggressive strategy of tax breaks, industry subsidies and strategic nuclear s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Space Engineers (PC) 0

DISCLAIMER: This is a review of an unfinished product, and as such is subject to change pending final release Welcome to Crazy Ted's Used Spacecraft Emporium! We sell all kinds of refurbished, enhanced, inexpensive and lux-u-ree spacefarin' ve-hickles! It don't matter whether you got no credit, bad credit, no problem! Just hop on down to Sector 127.31x34 and we'll find what you're lookin' for!Crazy Ted's Used Spacecraft Emporium - You break it, you bought it. Space Engineers is a (currently Earl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Saints Row 2 (PC) 0

Saints Row 2. It's the sequel to a game franchise originally considered a light-hearted clone of the effectively genre-monopolizing Grand Theft Auto series. In many ways it's a bridge tying the entire Saints Row saga together (with the possible exception of IV), building off of Saints Row's solid foundation and taking it further in a lot of ways.This game was quite advanced for its time, adding much more substance than many had expected possible from a "GTA clone". This reputation would go on to...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Quake III Arena (PC) 0

This is one of those classic multiplayer FPSes which doesn't seem to do much wrong. One of those games which I can't seem to help but feel nostalgic for. It was a strange departure from the singleplayer-focused predecessors but while it had little to do with the story of the Quake series, it was as fun, if not more, than previous installments in the series.Part of this has to do with the chaotic, fast-paced arena free-for-all gameplay.Part of it also has to do with the incredible (for the time)...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Garry's Mod (PC) 0

Garry's Mod, according to Wikipedia, is "a sandbox physics game using the Source engine." To me, it's much more than that.Garry's Mod started out as, well... a mod. It wasn't always a stand-alone game and was a total conversion modification for Half-Life 2 until 2006. Due to that very fact customizability and moddability are an integral part of the game itself, which makes the game extremely versatile - you can do just about anything to the game you care to.You can use it as a machinima film-mak...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Poker Night at the Inventory (PC) 0

This game, for being so badass a concept, is totally worth the measly 5 bucks it cost. I mean, how the hell can you go wrong with Max, Tycho, Strong Bad and the Heavy, with the most simple yet robust version of virtual Texas Hold 'Em I've seen yet? I mean, hell, it may not be saying much but this game taught me more about the game than anything else. The irreverent, crude humor and just overall FUN totally make it worth the 5-spot. I heartlily recommend you check it out, if not for the game itse...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Moonbase Alpha (PC) 0

:O HOLY ♥♥♥♥ MAN IT'S THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. WHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-*oxygen leak*Moonbase Alpha is a conspiracy theory simulator officially-sanctioned lunar outpost management/exploration simulator released on July 6, 2010 on Steam for PC. You play as a hapless astronaut, either alone or in online multiplayer with friends, and attempt to restore power and life support to a lunar outpost shortly after a meteorite impact cripples the faci...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Half-Life (PC) 0

This game needs no introduction. :3 I mean, come on. You've must have heard of it if you're using Steam, right? Do I really need to waste the energy on typing a recommendation? You sure? Oh, alright.Half-Life, the first game released by Valve Corporation and publisher Sierra On-Line (now Sierra Studios) on November 19, 1998, you play as a quirky, mute theoretical physicist named Gordon Freeman who must escape from Black Mesa Research Facility, the underground research lab he works at, after what...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: The Ultimate DOOM (PC) 0

This game needs no introduction. Seriously. BUY IT. It's the first commercially successful FPS ever, and only the second to have been made, after id's previous game, Wolfenstein 3D. It has so many episodes, weapons, maps, mods, expansion packs, and sequels to make WOW, Fallout 3 and Call of Duty look pathetic, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets. Though it must look quite antiquated in comparison to today's normal-mapped, HDR-enabled, anti-aliased works of digital art, DOOM was THE game ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

arbayer2 Reviews: Darwinia (PC) 0

It's made by Introversion, one of the few development houses left in the industry with any integrity. Huh... kinda like Valve, which is why Introversion was saved from bankruptcy solely by its games being put up for sale on Steam, if you remember the headlines. Anyway, about the game ITSELF.You play as an assistant to the creator of a digital world known as Darwinia, fighting to eradicate a rampant virus which is killing the world's inhabitants, a bunch of adorable little sentient creatures call...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.