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Balrog Fireball Matchup #1: RYU

The video below is a first to 5 set match between me as Balrog and a Ryu player over PSN.

So I'm looking for some analysis on how to improve basically. Here's what I have so far:
  • Level 1 Focus Attack which doesn't crumple, dash cancel into a grab. Got caught by that a bunch in the above match.
  • Teching Throws is something I don't normally have a problem with but proved to be a bit of an issue in all of the sets. I usually stand up if I think someone may try a grab because you have longer to react, but I had trouble reading this guy.
  • Turnaround Punch can't be punished unless they read it and attack before it hits. Think I need to use this more.
  • Fireball Zoning led to me getting annoyed and trying stupid things to get in. Need to stay patient.
  • Whiffing combos which I normally have no problem performing. The connection was great as well so I can't blame that unfortunately.
I'll be posting other videos against Ken, Akuma and Gouken players sometime soon. 
I don't have anyone on my friends list who really knows what they are doing with Guile, Chun Li or perhaps more surprisingly Sagat, so if anyone out there plays as one of those characters and is on PSN then let me know. My PSN is mubress2.