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4.8 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

Classic Rock 0

Rock Band 2 is a fun game its similar to the Guitar hero franchise but with drums and a microphone but now World tour and Band hero are out its pretty much all the same but different setlist but it has good songs (Pain Killer, Anyway you want it, the joker ect.) it also has alot of Downlodable songs for you to spend your money on and if you enjoy Guitar hero games or Rock band 1 than you will probobly like RB2, but RB has more classic rock songs....

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

FUN!! 0

ODST is fun, it has good campagin and in my opinion I think its kind of better than the original halo 3, it's nice that it has all DLC maps, but it is kind of crappy for the people who bought the maps before it came out, but atleast we still had fun playing them before this came out, but it's cool that they give you an oprotunity to get recon armour but it will probobly get overused by players, firefight mode is pretty fun to, and the graphics didnt change to much and they give you a new mode wh...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Many hours playing 0

I have spent many hours playing this by myself with brother and sister trying to get trophys, characters and stages. This game has a lot of content and is like GTA 4 after you complete the main stuff there always more things to go back and do. There are a couple of modes. 1st player: you got classic mode, adventure mode and after getting all hidden characters All-Star Mode. Some hidden characters are Dr.mario, Mewtwo, Ganandorf and more. This game has pretty simple control scheme, and is enjoyab...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Fable 2 Review 0

Im not gonna spend much time on reviews, the graphics were good, the expressions you can do is funny, some cool weapons and combat, good story and crap loads of stuff to do such as doing quests, jobs (Woodcuttin, Bounty Hunter, bartender and just other stuff like getting people drunk, getting fat off pie, have sex with frosty prosty's, pick fights with villagers learn how to seduce people, fight assasins and more. it is a fun game and I sugest playing and buying it, and the best weapon is the Di...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.