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I'm 27 now and I trying to remember a game I played when I was very young. It was a 2d platformer I played on Windows XP. I didn't know how to read then so I have no idea what its name was.

You played as 3 characters, one every level and then each of them again until the game was finished I think, but I never finished it. It was cartoonish, I think it had a Looney Tunes vibe, really wacky and funny for a kid, but not necessarily with the same characters.

What I do remember is that the first levels were on a ship, then later in the game the ship sank and you'd be somewhere in the arctic, you could see the ship sinking in the distance and made your way to safety jumping on pieces of ice and afterwards in some kind of castle.

Also I remember you could attack using the space bar and the 3 characters had some melee weapons one of them had a baseball bat and another a hammer.

And there were some collectible items, I remember one of them was a piece of chocolate cake which had something to do with health. And there was some item which had a small sprite in the form of an old tv and that unlocked some kind of mini game.