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GB Gaming Hub: Community-Created Gamenight Videos Edition.

If you aren’t aware of the Community Gaming Hub, this is we and you can be we too, just join our Steam group - great for getting notifications of gamenights, and an overall event schedule - or pop in the webchat here, make yourself at home and chat with all the friendly duders populating it at all times of the day - good old timezones.


As you may have seen, we have a collective Youtube account - GiantbombSquad - for our Shenanigans we inherited from the generous . A few of us Bombers like to record some of the dumb shit we get up to in the various games we play, and then immortalise it in the form of videos uploaded to Youtube. This is where I come in; in this here blog post - and further posts - I will show you, the general viewing public, the breadth of our videos. (You should subscribe to that btw ;D)

Battlefield 3

We have several of videos for our Battlefield 3 nights, one of the most popular so far is this; a 31 man 3 round Mexican Standoff, complete with .44 Magnum - this video came from our first Crazynight, a night dedicated to unconventional means of having fun in Battlefield 3, on our dedicated Giant Bomb server - of which you can receive notifications from our standalone group here.

Another one from the Crazynight is this EOD bot war we had on top of a building, in the middle of the Operation Firestorm map.

Crazynights aren’t all we do though, regular Bombing Runs are the place for serious play, like this tank video from .

A cool little Admin Tool Mod popped up amongst the servers allowing for a Zombie mode, I recorded a round of that here:

Super Monday Night Combat

User created a wonderful montage of our latest Super Monday Night Combat bombing run showing that third person MOBA goodness.

Resistance and Liberation (Open Beta 1.6)

User likes him some Half Life 2 mods, and this is a weird World War 2 pseudo-simulation.

Watch to the end for something you wouldn’t expect from this game.

Arma 2

You know what we all like? ARMA 2. We have been playing this game as long as we have been playing Battlefield, and it produces some of the most impromptu video footage of any of the games.

First we have a video of the last Bombing Run we had; and rolling in, getting things done.

And here we have a closer look at that bicycle in the intro of that previous video, that was causing such a fuss, and some footage of molesting a tree with a Blackhawk, and then successfully not killing anyone.

And then we have that one time where we all ran for an Osprey then flew some whilst carrying an LAV, because physics.

Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars

This is a recent mod for Warband that allows you to use muskets and other 18th century weapons. We were all skirmishing on a random server and a server Admin noticed our GBSQ tags, and he challenged us to a 'linebattle', us not knowing what on earth that was, we were super excited for it; this is what happened.

That’s it for today’s entry, I will probably make another one next month, to see what’s been up in the world of videogames with the Gaming Hub.

As a closing note, if you play any of our future gamenights, and capture yourselves some decent footage, let me - or any of us in the chat/mumble - know and we can help you get that up on to the channel.


  • If you know your IRC and use yourself a desktop client, you can find us at #gb_gaming_hub on Quakenet, or use the webchat version linked above
  • We also have ourselves a Voice server [program: Mumble] that we all use for Gamenight and for general conversing; feel free to drop in whenever you like. IP= / Port= 64738
  • If you use that big ol’ thing called Twitter, you can follow our account for announcements on what we’re playing.