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Best of 2010

AhNoWay: Best of 2010

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  • I really love the Halo universe so my bias would have forced me to make this

    number 1 even if it was a terrible game....... Fortunately. Bungie took everything good about the Halo series and included it if not improved on it. Unless you hate motion blur or cool explosions you would agree this is the Halo formula perfected.

  • Fantastic, I didn't expect anything less.

  • Yes it was short, yes it had its flaws but I enjoyed a lot more than most for some reason.

  • Awesome platforming, awesome music, awesome replay feature and awesome meaty effects.

  • Everything I expected.

    Ready to take a break from the series though. Unfortunately I think a certain publisher that rhymes with Shmacsisision won't let CoD take one any time soon.