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The greatest mash-up I've heard in a while - Notorious A.D.E.L.E

I rarely get awe-struck by music. I get fascinated by the capability, skill and melodies of certain metal bands, I get amused and even mindfucked by the wordplay and genius of some rappers, yet I can't name many songs that literally made me freeze in my spot and be overwhelmed.

A friend of mine recently played this song while we were sitting down and I just couldn't believe how perfect it is.

Adele's angelic voice, the piano music of one of her finest songs, and Biggie's flowing voice sharing his suicidal thoughts.

I must stress that while I like B.I.G, I wasn't familiar with his Suicidal Thoughts song until after listening to this one, which is why listening to him speaking about dying, over the emotional piano riff, and knowing that he did in fact die just 3 years after this song, was why I was so touched and simply compelled by this mash-up.

The knock-out punch that makes the song incredible is what Adele is actually saying. She's a female speaking to (probably) a male and telling him she heard he's settled down and fulfilled his dreams. It fits perfectly to Biggie's lyrics because he's basically having a conversation with Adele, who feels like she's playing his mom, and then his wife, both of which he's talking about.

I guess if you already know the original song, this might not be as hard-hitting for you as it was for me, but either way man, the perfect joining of his sad thought-provoking words and the sad soulful music and voice of Adele makes for an emotional eargasm.

Telling us how he abused his mother followed by asking "I wonder if I died, would tears come to her eyes?", and repeating the same thing about his wife, is just amazing.

Even though Adele gets sampled and mashed up out the ass, this still felt unique.

Do you have a song that had so much going for it that it amazed you?