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#1  Edited By ahgunsillyo
@vdortizo said:

And where are Patrick and Austin? Also, did someone call the cops already?

A lot of plaid flannel going on at Vice. And for those who wanted the Scoops of yesteryear, I got you covered as well. And since we're already at Waypoint, here's (now former) fellow Waypointer and friend of the site, Danika Harrod!

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#2  Edited By ahgunsillyo

@dirty_duck: I believe that's Tater Tot. Sadly, they only allow one cat at a time, and they also don't have the option for a tuxedo cat like Dirt Bike, so that might be as good as it's going to get for now.

@johnymyko: The latter. Not as many options as I would like (I was in the process of making Ryan, but they don't appear to have polo shirts, which is pretty much the only thing that Ryan ever wore), but it's not bad.

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#3  Edited By ahgunsillyo
@johnrabbit said:

Abby, Jan, Rorie, and Jason in series 2?

I got you covered, duder! I also threw Drew in there for funsies, because who doesn't need a little Drew Scanlon in their life?

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#4  Edited By ahgunsillyo

@gamer_152 said:

... because the next logical step for Sonic is to make it more like a post-apocalyptic rebellion story, right?

To be fair, though, if you go back to the non-Jaleel White Sonic cartoon and the Archie comics that have managed to remain in print since the '90s, Sonic The Hedgehog has kind of always been a post-apocalyptic rebellion story.

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@jslack This has been happening to me for the past week or so. It gives me the Error 500 message the first time I try to sign in, but when I try to sign in a second time, it logs me in just fine.

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There's going to be an add-on mode called "Toy Box Speedway" that will have a more fully-featured racing mode. It will be one of two "Toy Box Expansion Games" for the game. Like the Play Set pieces, they're hexagonal pieces that you place on the Infinity Base that open up a separate mode. It (and the other Toy Box Expansion Game, the "Toy Box Takeover," which was included as a pre-order bonus) will apparently be released on October 13 and will cost $19.99.

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I can't believe we've gotten almost a full page of comments without someone posting what is easily the best thing about Dragon's Dogma.

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@pcorb said:

Possibly Enter the Matrix. Also I'm apparently kind of crazy because I thought it was kind of fun anyway, and I think I'm legitimately alone in thinking that.

Definitely not the only one; I was going to say the same thing. Enter the Matrix is one of the most broken, ugly games I've ever played, and yet I had a lot of fun playing it. A lot of that was just going around breaking the game with cheats on, but I had a lot of silly fun even in the regular game. I remember you could cause the game to crash in the secret bonus level by shooting grenades into the enemy spawn point until the number of enemies spawning was too much for the game to handle. I got a good laugh out of that.

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#9  Edited By ahgunsillyo

As reported on Kotaku, Sam Flynn and Quorra from Tron Legacy will be available as purchasable characters in the iOS and PC versions of the Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0 apps. They should be available on the iOS version now and in March on the PC. Since they will be exclusive to these platforms, they will sadly not be made into physical figures, nor will they be in the console versions of the game.

No doubt, they were included in the game because friend of the site and Infinity VP of Production John Vignocchi is such a big fan of Tron. Personally, I've been waiting for the Tron characters to be playable in Disney Infinity, especially since they've included a bunch of items and textures from the Tron universe in the Toy Box mode, but I'll admit that I'm rather disappointed that I won't be able to own figures of Sam Flynn and Quorra done in the Infinity art style. Regardless, this is still pretty cool, so thanks very much, Johnny V!

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The funny thing about the layout of Seattle in Second Son is that Sucker Punch is based out of Bellevue, which is right outside of Seattle. So the developers no doubt knew what they were doing in mapping out Seattle the way they did. As someone who is based out of the Seattle area, I think it's really amusing and silly that they made it into some kind of weird Bizarro-world Seattle made up of two separate islands, but I also think they really nailed the feel and atmosphere of the city. I have my quibbles, like their version of the Pike Place Market being absolutely tiny, but they included enough little details and shout-outs to Seattle and its culture that I ended up being really impressed.

I also don't know if it'd necessarily be as beneficial to be completely accurate to the actual layout of Seattle, as it is mostly just a confusing grid of streets on a slope downhill to the water. It's clear that the developers created two separate islands to gate progress and place landmarks in areas that made sense for the story progression; the previous inFamous games did so by having most of the city without power so that you couldn't really do much in those areas until the story allowed you to turn the power back on. Second Son didn't have that mechanic, so it probably made more sense to create two separate islands than to, say, have a giant DUP wall bisecting the map that you break through halfway through the game to get to the other half of the city. Actually, now that I say that, it doesn't sound that bad, nor does it sound that different to what they actually did. Hmm.

I really liked Second Son, at least a lot more than a lot of people seemed to by the time the end of the year rolled around and Game of the Year discussions started happening. I agree that it is a lot more simplified than the previous inFamous games, especially inFamous 2. I'm a big fan of both of those games, and I think that the lack of dedicated narrative-driven side missions and the inability to easily cycle through the powers at will were a bit disappointing, especially compared to how large in scope and complexity the side content and powers were in inFamous 2.

Actually, one of the most interesting things about the game ended up being the "Paper Trail" ARG missions. While a lot of the actual in-game content was pretty shallow from a gameplay perspective, the ways they tied it into the out-of-game content were actually pretty cool. I had a good time playing detective and going to the fake websites to solve the mysteries in the story, then taking that stuff back into the game. It was kind of finicky to get started when the game launched, but I think it should be good now that all of the content rolled out (I think they initially released the content week by week in an episodic fashion), so if you have the game and haven't tried playing through that content, I'd recommend doing so.

In the end, I really enjoyed my time with inFamous: Second Son. I thought it was a pretty simple, straightforward experience, especially when compared to the previous games in the series, and I might be biased since I'm based around the Seattle area, but I had a lot of fun running and climbing and gliding around a weird, fictionalized version of the city I know and love and using a bunch of visually stunning superpowers. And it is a gorgeous game. The lighting effects alone are some of the best I've seen in a video game (using the neon powers at night was one of the highlights of the game for me, if you'll excuse the pun), as was the mo-capped acting by the likes of Troy Baker and Co. It has its problems, but I had a great time.