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4 Games Aegon beat in 2012 in a descending list based on enjoymen


I think these are the only 4 games I beat that came out in 2012. If I was basing this on games I beat this year regardless of release date, Ghost Trick would come out on top easily. Another DS game I beat and enjoyed this year is Radiant Historia...just wanted to mention that.

4 Unmechanical

Fun physics based puzzles, nice atmosphere, and it kind of has a story that it tells without any dialogue. Pretty cool.

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3 Hotline Miami

Really fun and sometimes frustrating. Fast paced trial and error.

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2 Walking Dead

Shitty choices. Intense moments. Shocking moments.

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1 Sleeping Dogs

Open world done right. I think maybe I had more fun with the combat here than in Arkham Asylum/City, mostly due to all the kung fu moves you can bust out and all the brutal environmental shit you can do. Either way, I love that it's melee focused. Story was nice and serviceable. Good voice acting. Best character of the year is Salty Crab.

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I have a ton of other 2012 games to get through, as well as some from previous years. Currently I'm in the middle of Dishonored, Amalur, Witcher 2, Syndicate, Pid, and more. Thinking about buying XIII and XIII-2 since they're so cheap. Sure I might hate it, but maybe I won't? Maybe I'll enjoy it. Dunno. Might get Dragon's Dogma as well. Something about it is attracting me.