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Best of 2009

AdH0c: Best of 2009

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  • The main reason I bought (or rather had my gf buy me) a PS3

  • There are so many different variables, so many different routes and so many hours of your life to loose in this game.

  • Ok now I know this is an odd one for the top ten but I have played this game a lot this year, and I have not paid a penny for it.

  • Hell deserves to be on here just for the opening video when the bus hits the skag. I'm not a big 1st person shooter fan but this worked for me.

  • There is something about when you hit people in this game that is so satisfying.

  • Spec Ops. That's it. I do not need to say anything more.

  • I love the total war series. Would be higher in the list but even I found this was too overwhelming when you start the campaign. Also lots of bugs on release.

  • I'm from the UK and so this got released in March. So it counts as a 2009 game honest!!!

    Enjoyed this game great story, good dialogue with other characters but I also found the fusion menu to be a pain (They seem to have leant a bit more now with Devil Survivor).

  • Great game limited only by its re playability.

  • Loved Forza and played about 50 hours of this.