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Flipping buggy RDR!

Alright, so RDR is definitely one of the best games I've played in a long time.  It also is one of the games that does the best job at FREAKING TICKING ME OFF!  Tonight I finally knifed 5 wolves, then got ninja cougared before I could even skin the 5th.  BLAM! out of nowhere, ninja freaking cougar.  Then, because of stupid bugs in the driving path for one of West Dickens's missions, I had to reload the game twice just to finish the mission.  West would get stuck on a rock and apparently doesn't know how to use reverse.  I got off the wagon and it won't let you steal it or anything, so I just had to reload.  It did this twice.  I finally pass the mission on the third time, only to IMMEDIATELY get ninja cougared at the end of the mission.  Apparently the game didn't even have time to save.  I jumped off the wagon, took 2 steps, and got ninja cougared.  WTF!?  Seriously, that's insane.  The inability to play the game because of the bugs is bad enough, but when you finally do finish a buggy mission and get ninja cougared...that's too much.  I don't think I'll be playing this one again for at least a few days.