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    PlayStation Vita

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    PlayStation Vita is Sony's second handheld gaming device.

    Is PS VITA one of the worst systems exclusive-wise?

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    #51  Edited By Dan_CiTi

    @themasterds said:

    PSP is probably worse but yes. There's few systems with less games worth playing on it.

    Not at all, it is just the PSP had so many games to only come out in Japan, but not that was really a problem at all to play those. Stuff like Gundam Vs. was rad.

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    I mean, if I was gonna buy one of the current consoles the Vita would be the one due to its exclusives, so I guess I disagree with you.

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    New 3DS and the DSi are/were way worse.

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    For my tastes, it has better exclusives than the 360 did, as well as the original XBOX, and of course the Xbox One and PS4 (though that might change this year with Persona 5 and Bloodborne).

    Count Persona Golden if you want. Danganronpas 1 and 2, Gravity Rush, and Tearaway. Too good!

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    Agreed, there are maybe a few visual novels, but that is way to less to buy a system for.

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    #56  Edited By PrivodOtmenit

    I have to say no, it has a decent amount of great games that are exclusive, especially if you include the ones that are on PS3/PS4/PSV/PC but not also on 3DS. ('handheld' exclusive!?)

    One thing you have to give to Sony though, the standby battery life on the Vita is very, very efficient. It can go a week without losing one bar, that's even with the wifi functionality left on.

    I wish a 3DS could manage two days without losing a bar or more.

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    Danganronpa's cool (though I guess that's a psp series..), Persona 4 Golden is cool (though I guess it's a ps2 game.), Uncharted is um... an uncharted game. Tearaway is awesome! Soul Sacrifice seems pretty cool... I dunno, it has a bunch of kinda exclusive games that are all pretty good but it definitely pales in comparison to the 3ds on the exclusive front. With the Vita you're getting a good japanese library but also a good way to play a huge catalogue of PSP and PSone games as well as a bunch of fun indie games. It's not a system to buy for exclusives.

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    @dan_citi said:

    @themasterds said:

    PSP is probably worse but yes. There's few systems with less games worth playing on it.

    Not at all, it is just the PSP had so many games to only come out in Japan, but not that was really a problem at all to play those. Stuff like Gundam Vs. was rad.

    Name 3 games worth playing on the PSP. Here, I'll name one for you, Persona 3 Portable. Name 2 more.

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    #59  Edited By Corevi
    @themasterds said:
    @dan_citi said:
    @themasterds said:

    PSP is probably worse but yes. There's few systems with less games worth playing on it.

    Not at all, it is just the PSP had so many games to only come out in Japan, but not that was really a problem at all to play those. Stuff like Gundam Vs. was rad.

    Name 3 games worth playing on the PSP. Here, I'll name one for you, Persona 3 Portable. Name 2 more.

    Danganronpa, Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness, DIsgaea 2 Dark Hero Days, Final Fantasy Type 0, Lumines and all it's sequels, Patapon, Patapon 2, Patapon 3, Peace Walker, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, Tactics Ogre, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Valkyria Chronicles 3, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Locoroco, Locoroco 2, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and Jean D'Arc.

    That's only games that have either been released here or have really good fan translations, there are plenty more worthwhile PSP games that are only available in Japanese.

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    @corevi: Dangan Ronpa, in America/Europe, is a Vita game. None of the other examples jump out at me other than Lumines (which is supposed to be good) and Patapon which has some credit. Maybe Peace Walker now that I've seen Metal Gear Scanlon but I dunno what Dan thinks of that game or if its on the agenda. Anyway I guess you have 3 then. Well done.

    Please don't count fan translations, that's really weird. Also speaks to how piracy was the unmaking of the PSP, to see how fans celebrate games they couldn't possibly have bought legitimately at the time.

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    #61  Edited By JesusHammer

    @themasterds: How do Final Fantasy games, a Kingdom Hearts game, and a Monster Hunter game not jump out? Also how could you have not bought Japanese games? Did importing not exist? You're kind of just brushing off games because you haven't heard of them which is exactly what people do with the Vita.

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    #62  Edited By TheMasterDS

    @jesushammer: One, I don't give a shit about any of those franchises much less the mobile editions of them. Two I'm not saying you didn't I'm just saying that given how Fan Translations were mentioned as a primary way of accessing some of these games that they were likely not payed for when people in America played them. That also lines up with the fact that the PSP was killed by its piracy problems. No one wants to make games for a console where everyone just steals everything. Three probably did exist but, given the problems of the PSP, probably not as much as piracy. Four yes I've never heard of them or why they might be good. I imagine there's a reason for that.

    Bear in mind what I've said isn't that the exclusives don't exist - what I've said is there's fewer of them than on other platforms. Far as handhelds go it's pretty much a stomp. Gameboy has Pokemon and Tetris. Gameboy Advance had Zeldas, Mario and DKC ports, RPGs, Metroids and one good Castevania game. DS had Picross, Ghost Trick, 2 great Castlevanias, Chrono Trigger, Layton, Phoenix Wright and that's just the 3rd party games. 3DS is also really strong. PSP has dregs once everyone realized piracy was rampant. PS Vita has 3 to 5 cool exclusives and solid ports of indie games. If you count the indie games you can get elsewhere the PS Vita probably tops the PSP valuewise and will probably be supported longer than the PSP but I don't count them when talking exclusives.

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    @jesushammer: One, I don't give a shit about any of those franchises much less the mobile editions of them. Two I'm not saying you didn't I'm just saying that given how Fan Translations were mentioned as a primary way of accessing some of these games that they were likely not payed for when people in America played them. That also lines up with the fact that the PSP was killed by its piracy problems. No one wants to make games for a console where everyone just steals everything. Three probably did exist but, given the problems of the PSP, probably not as much as piracy. Four yes I've never heard of them or why they might be good. I imagine there's a reason for that.

    It's possible that the reason is you're mouthing off about a topic you're ignorant on. Judging by the subsequent list of games for competing platforms ("I don't give a shit about any of those franchises that you posted", do you see how this argument goes now?), I am guessing that's the case. This isn't a console war thread.

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    @bsstephan: This is a thread about comparing exclusives. The other mainstream handhelds have had drastically more of them and of drastically higher impact. That's what I'm saying.

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