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    New Nintendo 3DS

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    Nintendo's "New 3DS" adds some additional control functionality and horsepower, allowing for some games that can only run on the new hardware, not on Nintendo's original 3DS.

    Want to get a 3ds but unsure about what model to get now...

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    #1  Edited By bcooper21

    I wanted to get the regular sized 3ds but problem is the is no new 3ds only the xl in na. Now im not sure what to do. I have tried out the XL from a friend and found the system to large and it hurts my hands during large playing for long periods. On top of that to me the Original 3ds looks alot better the games on XL look blown up and worse.

    1. Buy Original 3ds for 240$

    2. Buy 2ds

    3. Wait for new 3ds to come to NA if it ever does

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    I bought the XL a couple years ago. It hurt my hands at first, but either I adjusted the way I hold it or I've just become used to holding it. Either way, I assume you'd adjust.

    My recommendation would be just to buy whatever is most recent, unless you're strapped for cash. I don't think the - sigh - New 3DS XL will have a bunch of unique games, but it has enough little benefits to justify picking it up for newcomers. On the other hand, you could protest dumb fuck naming conventions and buy one of the older versions.

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    @hatking said:

    I bought the XL a couple years ago. It hurt my hands at first, but either I adjusted the way I hold it or I've just become used to holding it. Either way, I assume you'd adjust.

    My recommendation would be just to buy whatever is most recent, unless you're strapped for cash. I don't think the - sigh - New 3DS XL will have a bunch of unique games, but it has enough little benefits to justify picking it up for newcomers. On the other hand, you could protest dumb fuck naming conventions and buy one of the older versions.

    Ok thanks.

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    There's been a huge demand for the regular New 3DS, though given this is Nintendo that probably won't amount to anything.

    I'm not a fan of buying used devices but Amazon Warehouse has the original 3DS for less than $120. You could also buy a 2DS straight from Nintendo's online store for $75.

    I don't know, personally I don't think I could ever go back to the OG 3DS. The screen size was way too small for my liking but hey, if you prefer that more power to you I guess.

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    @bcooper21 said:

    @hatking said:

    I bought the XL a couple years ago. It hurt my hands at first, but either I adjusted the way I hold it or I've just become used to holding it. Either way, I assume you'd adjust.

    My recommendation would be just to buy whatever is most recent, unless you're strapped for cash. I don't think the - sigh - New 3DS XL will have a bunch of unique games, but it has enough little benefits to justify picking it up for newcomers. On the other hand, you could protest dumb fuck naming conventions and buy one of the older versions.

    Ok thanks.

    As a follow up, I also think you should buy the New 3DS XL, because at least for a while you'll have that new hotness, it will have 1-5 exclusive games (plus games like Majora's Mask take advantage of the c-stick), and the OS/firmware runs way quicker on the new one.

    Now, if after like months of owning one, you never get used to it and your hands still hate it, you can always:

    1. Go buy an original normal-sized 3DS, maybe at an even lower price if a price drop occurs between now and then
    2. Do the system transfer, transferring the stuff from your New 3DS XL to the original 3DS
    3. Hopefully sell your New 3DS XL for a decent amount so you don't really lose much money on this weird exchange

    So you have options. But yeah, I don't recommend you just wait around forever for them to release the regular New 3DS in North America, because who knows.

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    #6  Edited By doctordonkey

    At this point, I wouldn't suggest buying an OG 3DS model. The new 3DS has enough improvements to justify dealing with the bigger screen. A lot of games going forward are going to be better looking, and have a more stable framerate on the N3DS, compared to the OG3DS. Games like Majora and MH4U are already showing this. Not to mention exclusives coming out, though who's to say how many will end up coming out before their next handheld.

    For the differences in framerate I'm talking about, MH4U is at a stable 60 frames while playing with 3 other people, whereas the OG model will drop down to the low 40's at times. That's one example, games will also seemingly have sharper looking textures, check this out.

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    At this point, I wouldn't suggest buying an OG 3DS model. The new 3DS has enough improvements to justify dealing with the bigger screen. A lot of games going forward are going to be better looking, and have a more stable framerate on the N3DS, compared to the OG3DS. Games like Majora and MH4U are already showing this. Not to mention exclusives coming out, though who's to say how many will end up coming out before their next handheld.

    For the differences in framerate I'm talking about, MH4U is at a stable 60 frames while playing with 3 other people, whereas the OG model will drop down to the low 40's at times. That's one example, games will also seemingly have sharper looking textures, check this out.

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    Thanks i guess ill just get xl and get used it then.

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    New 3DS comes out in less than 2 weeks in the US. If you want the new one you might as well wait.

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    The original 3DS' build quality and hardware design is kinda hot garbage, I'd definitely steer clear of that one

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    I have an original, I love that its portable but my classes stopped having a 40min break so I dont play 3DS games on campus anymore. Now I wish I had a XL. I'll most likely get the New 3ds when it releases

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