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    Major League Baseball 2K10

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Mar 02, 2010

    MLB 2K10 is 2K Sports latest Major League Baseball game. Evan Longoria is the featured cover athlete.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    Only baseball game on 360 has warning track power 0

                  To be honest, there hasn’t been a baseball game to catch my attention for a long time.   You can relate that to the fact that baseball hasn’t been relevant in my area for 18 years, the MLB license being grabbed up by 2K or that they just haven’t been any good.   Whichever the case I was feeling the baseball itch for the first time in years and instead of seeing a medical professional and seeking treatment, I picked up a copy of MLB 2K10 for the Xbox 360.             Jumping into ...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    MLB 2k10- Wild Pitch or Perfect Game? 0

    MLB 2K10 is the most recent offering from 2K sports, makers of such games as NBA 2K10 and All Pro Football 2K8. To start off, it's a game about the sport "baseball", in which players... Well, if you don't know about baseball, I would recommend googling it or otherwise informing yourself. The game itself, then:  Things this game does well   I will first mention that while I am a big fan of real life baseball, I have little experience with baseball games. The only ones I can say I have played any ...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Solid Contact 0

    Major League Baseball 2K10  I first started playing the 2K baseball series  back when it first started when it was put out by Sega Sports on the Dreamcast. And was easily one of the first baseball games that i really got into. Almost five years later, i'd have tried other baseball games, such as the MVP series then came The Show series put out by Sony. They seemingly have been putting out a stellar product each season improving each game. While the 2K series has been going in the opposite direct...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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