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    Jef Kamenek

    Person » credited in 3 games

    Short summary describing this person.

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    Jeff "Jef" Kamenek started his video game career in an entry-level coding position, at small game translating/publishing company Melbourne House (now Krome Melbourne)'s even-smaller development subsidiary Beam Software. However, he was quickly tapped to assist lead writer Paul Kidd in writing the "poor quality jokes" for the studio's first NES game, Nightshade. While his sense of humor helped elevate the game to a cult classic amongst those who were able to play it, Jef was personally embarrassed by the game's poor sales and rather clunky gameplay, and returned to a coding-only role.

    He continued to work for Melbourne House for several years, assisting with the development and localization of Shadowrun (1993), Blades of Vengeance, True Lies, Norse by Norsewest, and KKND.

    He left the production side of video games for the more lucrative world of enterprise IT support during the dot-com boom, and now spends his days critiquing video games under a pseudonym on several websites.


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