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    Character » appears in 1 games

    Gelya was best friend with Lux, she died in Hygora two years prior the beginning of Scarlet Shadow.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Gelya last edited by Parlu10 on 07/16/21 04:31AM View full history

    Gelya was Lux's best friend, and she died in Hygora two years prior to the beginning of Scarlet Shadow.


    Before the events of Scarlet Shadow

    Gelya is shown in some of Lux's flashbacks.

    She met Lux for the first time on the Tower of Hygora, and they immediately became friends.

    In another flashback she seems to be a a quick-witted girl, and she has no problem presenting Lux with interesting dilemmas which will later become almost prophetic.

    However, two years before the beginning of Scarlet Shadow, her house was destroyed by the Black Keruby Darkrius and not even Lux could do anything to save her from the rubble.


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