New "Wo Long" demo is out, lets you carry progress to main game

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#1  Edited By AtheistPreacher

I'll say first that I wish more devs did stuff like this. Providing a demo that lets you experience the early game and then carry over your progress for the release version is both a consumer-friendly thing to do, and also just good marketing/advertising IMO. I suspect I'd buy more games if I got to try them first.

Though as it happens, the last time this was done for a Team Ninja game--last year's Stranger of Paradise--it turned me away from the game rather than toward it. That final demo made the game seem like more of a hot mess than the earlier E3 demo had been, at least for me. I did eventually pick up SoP on sale, but just about every aspect of it aside from the core combat seemed pretty poor. Was the problem just catering to the license? I'm not sure. I'm a big Nioh fan, but I couldn't help but wonder if the same thing would happen this time.

But as it turns out, I still like Wo Long pretty well after having spent about four hours putting the game through its paces. It took me about 2.5 hours to clear the two stages on offer, and I've been repeating runs since.

My main complaint is an interface one. Like Nioh and Stranger of Paradise, this game throws an awful lot of loot at you, but doesn't give you good ways to sort through it all. You can mark "favorites," but not in the equipment menu itself--only in the "item" menu. And in the item menu, they don't even give you separate tabs for helmets versus gloves, etc., it just all gets thrown in together, making it tough to compare items when you're figuring out what you want to keep versus sell. All in all, I don't think any of these Team Ninja games has ever done loot particularly well.

I'm also slightly annoyed, though I understand why they do it, that player level is capped at 20 for the demo, and other basic systems like dismantling unwanted equipment aren't allowed... they're trying to keep the player from becoming too overpowered heading into the main game. C'est la vie, I suppose.

But the core combat seems good, and they've got an interesting set of systems going, especially with the spirit thing and how the magic works. I'm less persuaded that the morale system is adding anything, but I don't hate it.

Anyway, I've gone ahead and pre-ordered the thing, as I'm ready for more Team Ninja action RPG nonsense, SoP aside. FWIW the demo will remain available until late March if anyone else is inclined to give it a shot, with the full release coming on March 3.

Anyone else have thoughts on this thing?

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It's cool that there's a demo, but I wish I liked the game a lot more than I do. I've easily got 1000+ hours into Nioh 1 and 2 and while it feels like they had some nifty ideas to build on that base for Wo Long, it also sort of feel like Team Ninja's A-team went to work on Rise of the Ronin and left the B-team to figure this one out because so many of those ideas feel confused and implemented in a not particularly elegant way. It's definitely not going to dethrone Nioh in my mind anytime soon.

Something just feels . . . off about the flow of combat. I think part of it is that they're leaning way too hard into the wuxia thing and it makes combat kind of hard to read because there's so much flipping and kicking going on all over the place. The attacks feel super-spammy and don't feel like any one hit has much impact. In fact I have a difficult time parsing when I'm actually hitting at all.

I'm especially disappointed to see that the flag/morale system survived the last demo. It's the one thing I unequivocally thought should have been removed from the game entirely, as it just adds a secondary leveling system on top of character stats that feels superfluous and unnecessary. It's confusing to the player which of the systems matters more and it's another one of those things that just doesn't "feel" good when you're playing it.

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@therealturk: Yeah, I agree that the morale system doesn't seem to be doing any real work, particularly since you can actually just farm a few weak enemies at the beginning of a level and get to be max or near-max morale for the remainder of it. I was surprised when I tried that tactic and the game let me; it would have made more sense if that hadn't allowed you to go more than a certain number of levels above your fortitude rank. But as it is, it's not only redundant, but prone to being gotten around through brute force in the most boring way.

Team Ninja actually did this with Stranger of Paradise in a way, in the sense that equipment level was actually way more important than job affinities or any of the other stats, even though affinities seemed to be what the game itself highlighted the most. But under the hood, if you average equipment level was X number of levels below or above an enemy, there were big hidden modifiers for damage given and received against that enemy, much bigger numbers than anything the game surfaced.

Wo Long is at least being way more up-front about the fact that this relative level system is there and is playing a big part. But aside from that silver lining, yeah, I'm finding it hard to see the benefit in having it there at all.

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Not a fan of it either. On the one hand, it simplifies pumping numbers into a stat sheet but it still requires a grind and the benefits erode with each death. When I first read the tooltip I thought I could grind up to 20, raise the flag and that would be my level from that flag forever.

So you're back to square one in every new level with only gear and character levels being the distinguishing factor. On the one hand, the challenge is maintained but it really makes progress feel minor. Fortitude, on the other hand, does feel significant. Taking the first boss at 20 morale makes you hit so much harder than the baseline 8/10.

Speaking of that first boss, what a horrible skill check. Everything after him feels tamer.

I like the combat being more aggressive but there's one basic moveset for everything. It doesn't feel as relentless as a Sekiro.

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#5  Edited By AtheistPreacher

So, a couple of things here, now that I've had another day to screw around with it.

@shindig said:

So you're back to square one in every new level with only gear and character levels being the distinguishing factor. On the one hand, the challenge is maintained but it really makes progress feel minor. Fortitude, on the other hand, does feel significant. Taking the first boss at 20 morale makes you hit so much harder than the baseline 8/10.

One thing that I realized as I kept playing is that it doesn't seem like "gear level" exists in this game at all. I had just assumed it did because that's such a standard thing to have in a game like this. I mean, yes, there is an upgrade system at the blacksmith, but gear doesn't drop with a level attached. Frankly, it's an odd design choice in the sense that Wo Long seems meant to be a loot game--you certainly get tons of drops--and yet this means you could theoretically use the same weapon and armor set for the whole game and never need to change them, aside from upgrading when you get the mats. No real gear churn that way.

So maybe the whole morale thing is meant to be an alternative to having a level being attached to gear. The clear design intent is to force the player to explore the level and raise all the flags, rather than running straight to the end. The problem is that it doesn't actually seem to work that well. E.g., as I alluded to above, the second battle flag of that second stage is on a little hill overlooking three weak enemies. Killing those guys gets you roughly a full morale level each time, and only takes about fifteen seconds to do so and reset. So if you farm them for three or so minutes at the beginning of the stage, you can have your morale in the teens at the start, and the rest of the stage becomes a cakewalk because you're so far above your expected morale. It would have made more sense if the game didn't allow your morale to go more than a certain number of levels above your fortitude--say five levels or so. But as it is, you can quickly farm your way to power each time, and then the flags and your fortitude rank stop mattering.

@shindig said:

Speaking of that first boss, what a horrible skill check. Everything after him feels tamer.

What isn't well-communicated about that first boss is that you aren't actually meant to beat his second phase at all. When he transforms, your companion starts saying some nonsense about "using the stone to give you the power to defeat him!" What he means is that you need to hit triangle+circle (PS5 controls) to activate your guardian spirit thing... and that ends the fight immediately.

You're definitely not alone in not realizing that. I fought him at least half a dozen times before I figured it out. I've heard others on GameFAQs etc saying they were fighting him for two hours and never realized it at all. They really should have just put the button prompt right in the middle of the screen where you can't miss it. One wonders if they will make it more clear for the release version.

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I will stay on the lookout for a proper follow up to Nioh 2. Strangers wasn't it and I dunno if this one will be either but I am duty bound to play all of them and find out.

I've ignored all the Demo's because the demos for these games always seem like a huge mess... though I'm sure this one is basically release copy. Still it's out on Game Pass in just a few days so I'll just wait.

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@atheistpreacher: That really confused the hell out of me. I saw a video of someone taking that second phase out at the half-way stage but I had to do the whole fight. I was expecting a cutscene to take away control like it did in the Nioh tutorial.

Gear is definitely a bit clumsy. Like it has rarity and levels on top of the upgrade system but the special effects don't really look enticing. Right now I just look at maxing out flags so my fortitude is as good as it'll give me. Decent, flashy combat but it's reaching for something that I just don't think it can pull off.

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May I also say that the martial arts feel kind of useless? The tutorial hints they are supposed to be a block breaker against enemies, but the wind-up is so long and you can't dodge cancel out of it. 90% of the time I tried to use one the enemy either moved or hit me in the face as I was waiting for the move to come out.

I like the idea, but it's another one of those things that doesn't seem implemented with a lot of thought behind it. Like, wouldn't it be better if the martial arts were powered up by the meter rather than just the heavy attack? I think that'd feel a lot more true to the martial arts/wuxia theme they're going for. As it is, they just feel like I'm spending meter for no benefit.

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Yeah, I tend to use the spirit attacks. If I've got a full bar, I'll just trigger divine beast. I'm enjoying this for the challenge but I just wish it was a little bit smarter with its systems. It can be enjoyable to bumrush a boss with your two homies. Plus the fortitude stuff does have me assessing each encounter in a way I wouldn't elsewhere.

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#10  Edited By AtheistPreacher

@therealturk: I'll grant you that most of the martial arts aren't very good, but some of them are. E.g., if you raise your bond with Zhao Yun to full, he gives you his 4* spear that has a unique martial art on it which basically corkscrews you forward toward your target. It has enough range that you can do the windup from safety and the damage is totally decent. It's actually pretty OP for ambushing trash mobs.

I agree that it would be nice if the martial arts were powered up by the meter in the same way that heavy attacks are, though.

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#11  Edited By Efesell

I decided to grab this Demo to make sure the PC performance would be okay and all anybody had to do was tell me it's a Parry game and I'm all about it.

I am also a little confused at the Morale and what it's really doing. There was a Morale 15 thing in the intro level and it did not seem noticeably different from either my character at 5 or whatever or the other enemies that have been around it.

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@efesell: Funny, speaking to PC performance, I saw people on the ResetEra forums bitching and moaning about it. I suspect they may be exaggerating, but then I'm really just not that attuned to performance issues, and I'm getting it for PS5 anyway.

But yeah, it's most definitely a parry game. Team Ninja was ripping off Dark Souls with Nioh, and now they're ripping off Sekiro with Wo Long. I suspect I will not like it as well as the Nioh games, but it seems like my kind of nonsense regardless.

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@atheistpreacher: Yeah the Parry is not as clean as Sekiro and the tells are not nearly as defined but I'm still immediately falling into a similar rhythm as I had in that game so I think this'll be exactly my kind of game.

I seem to be able to maintain 60 on reasonable settings so that's all I cared about performance wise. I don't pay enough attention to it beyond that.

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I am certain morale level impacts weapon strength. At least from the first level, I could cut down basic enemies in two hits instead of the three I'd do at 0.

Hitting a parry is really satisfying but I've yet to dial it in on any boss beyond the first one's charge attack. I hit circle and hope for the best but the reward is always there. I hope the full game has a blacksmith I can just pick from the rest menu rather than finding them in levels.

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@shindig: I thought I saw some talk somewhere that the full release has a town/hub thing that you return to after missions, which undoubtedly will contain the blacksmith and maybe some other services. I believe it because that would be functionally similar to Nioh... you probably can't do upgrades at rest points, but rather between missions.

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Readability on the critical hits is not quite as good as I would like. A full body glow for the whole attack that is masking the quicker "flash" for when you need to Parry is a little hard to discern mid combat.

Could really have gone for a shorter version of the former, or ONLY having the latter.

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I've just been trying to time it at the point of impact.

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Glad to see a bunch of feedback in this thread. The thing that interested me were the comparisons to Sekiro, though maybe its not as Sekiro as it seems. I wanted to like Nioh more than I did. I just got bogged down in the endless menus and grinding samey side missions. And never really got gud at making a build. I remember doing really well through the Nioh 2 demo until I hit the boss and got completely stonewalled. Perhaps Wo Long isn't going to feel much different in that respect. Maybe the systems are different but I wonder how much time they inevitably take up. The morale system sounds weird. I'll likely get my hands on it this week some time or just wait for the Game Pass release, even if my PC is old and I'd rather play it on PS5, where I'll play the demo. I don't even have room to download it right now lol.

(I spent the weekend playing Destiny 2 Witch Queen for free and that shit takes up over a 100gb. Easily the best Destiny I've played since Forsaken--maybe even better than Taken King. I only ever play it when they give old stuff up for free.)

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After chewing on it a bit I actually really like this Morale system. It does a good job of rewarding skillful play and the Fortitude mechanic makes exploring the space feel better with that sense of conquering a zone by the time you reach the boss.

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#20  Edited By AtheistPreacher

@efesell: I want to like it, but I still feel like it's a major oversight that your morale isn't capped at a certain number of levels above your current fortitude--say 5 or so. Right now there's incentive to just grind on easy enemies at the beginning of a level to push your morale higher than it should be for the rest of the stage. If they fixed that, then I think I'd be fine with it.

Would also be nice if, when you died to a boss, re-entering the arena would give you your lost morale levels back. That way you wouldn't need to re-grind lost ranks to give yourself maximum advantage for the boss each time.

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@atheistpreacher: I suppose. I guess I just felt the system created a good pace for moving forward, I didn’t really consider how far you could grind it.

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What it does do is keep the missions incredibly self-contained. You always start at zero, you always end in the 20-ish range. First boss aside, what you get from raising flags is usually enough.

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Just beat the demo. I've been stubbornly putting all my points into Water despite not using ranged weapons and not having any dual swords yet (are they even in the demo?)

Wasn't sure what to invest in, but I figured anything relating to parry would be good. Earth would've probably been better though, as that would turn you into a deflecting tank.

That said, looking at old footage from last year, Aqua Blink, while somewhat counter-intuitive in a parry game, looks really frickin good. Hope it's worth the 20 levels, and hopefully it doesn't take too long to unlock after starting the full game.

I was a bit worried about the Morale system at first and ended up beating the first boss at Morale 25, but then beat the second and third boss at 4 levels below the boss. So I'm hoping future bosses stay reasonable at lower Morale as well and don't get tedious due to low damage output.

Never played Sekiro, but I gotta say the whole standing still and never getting hit part is pretty satisfying. I'd never use Royal Guard in a Devil May Cry game, but the parry in this is quite doable (at least with the weapons I was using). Will probably pick this up next month.

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#24  Edited By AtheistPreacher

@axersia: Before I realized the demo capped your level at 20, I pumped 8 levels into water so I could use the invisibility spell. Then it turned out not to be super useful since enemies can still hear you. In Nioh there was also a spell that silenced your footsteps that could be used in concert with invisibility, sorta hoping that's also in this game at some point so you can stealth with impunity.

I did get some dual swords to drop, but they seem like a lower chance, and/or you might have to farm a specific enemy for them.

Right now my dump stat looks to be earth. It gives equip weight so you can wear heavy armor, and has a spell that increases your defense and stops you being staggered from enemy attacks so that you can just tank through hits. Plus spears and polearms seem to scale with earth and I like both of those so far. Will be interesting to see if weapon affinities can be switched around at the blacksmith like you could in Nioh 2.

Not sure if you saw me mention it earlier in the thread, but that first boss actually wasn't designed to be beaten normally on first play, you're supposed to call your divine beast early in the second phase and it instantly ends the fight. But a lot of players (myself included) missed the memo on that because it's just not well-communicated by the game. Which is only to say: the second stage is more representative of early-game difficulty than that first boss is.

But also, if Wo Long is anything like Nioh and Stranger of Paradise, there will be new difficulty settings that unlock after initial story completion, and those tend to ramp up to being pretty insanely hard for those who are looking for that.

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#25  Edited By spacemanspiff00
@atheistpreacher said:

Would also be nice if, when you died to a boss, re-entering the arena would give you your lost morale levels back. That way you wouldn't need to re-grind lost ranks to give yourself maximum advantage for the boss each time.

What's that like? I don't mind boss runs in Soulsborne but the idea you have to potentially grind before refighting a boss might just be a deal breaker for me. I'm starting to think that I might find a lot of Japanese action games just too system/menu heavy that they get in the way of my actual enjoyment lol.

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@spacemanspiff00: So, it's not a *huge* deal or anything, especially at the beginning. But here's how it works.

You have a "morale" rank that is a number from 1-25. It goes up as you defeat enemies. The higher your morale, the more damage you deal and the less you take. Enemies have a morale rank as well; it's prominently displayed above their heads. Being one or two levels above or below your enemy won't matter much, but being, say, five ranks above or below is the difference between a cakewalk and a really tough fight. You lose your morale when you die (it also resets between stages, you're always starting a stage with no morale).

However! You also have a "fortitude" rank that gains ranks as you find and raise flags throughout the level (for stage 2, raising all the flags got you to 20 fortitude). Your morale can never fall below your fortitude. So, if you've raised all the flags in stage 2 and are 25 morale, then dying would mean you'd fall back to 20 morale. Not game-breaking or anything. And you can fight random mobs for a little bit in order to get those ranks back... that or kill the enemy that killed you.

The game doesn't seem hard enough in the early going that those 5 lost ranks are actually going to matter. But it's not ideal. I'd like to be able to jump back immediately into a boss fight and know that I still have as a good a chance as I'm going to get... which is not quite the case since you're 5 morale ranks lower. Slightly annoying but I also haven't really done any testing to see how much of a difference those 5 ranks make for boss fights.

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@atheistpreacher: The fortitude thing does sound a bit better since you don't lose that and it keeps the morale up. I suppose its a good reason to see and do the whole level. I guess folks mileage will vary on how much those five levels, assuming you have full fortitude, would make a difference. Still feels a little arbitrary for the bosses and I hope it doesn't turn into a major chore later on. I guess I'll have to play the demo to see if I can stand it. Not being able to immediately fight hard bosses again when you're getting in the zone is a bit jarring.

Anyhoo, I would like to try and enjoy this game since Nioh didn't quite click for me in the end. But if not, I can always wait for Rise of the Ronin which looks much simpler. Thanks for the breakdown :)

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@atheistpreacher: I guess folks mileage will vary on how much those five levels, assuming you have full fortitude, would make a difference. Still feels a little arbitrary for the bosses and I hope it doesn't turn into a major chore later on. I guess I'll have to play the demo to see if I can stand it. Not being able to immediately fight hard bosses again when you're getting in the zone is a bit jarring.

Yeah, I'm not actually that worried about it myself because my sense is that bosses are mostly going to remain totally do-able at 20 morale and you don't actually need 25. As you say, the issue might be in the late-game or post-game when the game's gotten harder and a boss is kicking your butt and you want every little advantage on every attempt. But even then, I suspect in those cases I'd likely beat a boss like that faster by just instantly repeating the fight instead of taking a few minutes off to cap my morale and lose my momentum.

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#29  Edited By AV_Gamer

I finished the demo, and overall I liked it. At first I wasn't sure, that mutated tiger was kicking my butt in the first level. But eventually, I understood how useful the parry system is in this game. And I like the fact that you can parry pretty much anything, and I especially like the fact you can parry the enemies and bosses charged attacks and set them up for a fatal strike, where as most games like this, you can't parry and have to dodge and hope their homing charged attack doesn't land.

The morale system seems to be a level up per area type of thing, and unless you're grinding hard by killing enemies repeatedly, you're either going to match or be behind the bosses morale by a couple of points. I beaten the last two bosses on the second level with morale lower than them, because I just used my parries at the right time and hit them with fatal strikes and spirit attacks when the meter was full. By the way, thanks for point out how you needed to used that attack to end the second phase of the first boss. The game also seems to have it set up where a companion will be with you at all times. I don't know yet how useful or an annoying this will be. Maybe in the full game you can customize them to the players benefit. I could see myself getting into this game more so than I did Sekiro.

With all that said, I don't see myself playing the full game anytime soon, if at all. I have other games on my plate, like the Destiny 2 expansion which is out today. I'm also kind of burned out on Soul-likes in general, even though I might check out Code Vein since it will be on PS Plus soon. But again, the game seems interesting for people who can't get enough of From Software's recent games and there many clones.

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#30  Edited By AtheistPreacher

A few things worth knowing about the demo that have recently been clarified:

  • The website had said that "The save data from this demo can be carried over to the main game," but the text in game qualified this with "a portion of your progress..." So it wasn't 100% clear if you kept everything. But recently somepeople got their hands on early copies and have confirmed that yes, it seems that everything does carry over, including excess Genuine Qi (XP/souls) that you might be holding above the level 20 threshold, all your acquired items and equipment, etc.
  • Apparently someone was putting items in storage through the blacksmith, and the items they put in storage had their special effects wiped off on load. So, uh, maybe don't send items to storage for the moment. Though I can't even figure out how to access it in the demo anyway.
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#31  Edited By spacemanspiff00

Tried the demo last night. I had a good time. I thought it was fun. I like that you can parry practically anything. It can be a bit difficult to gauge the timing on the heavier attacks, especially during phase 2 of that first boss. One thing I really don't like is dodge and parry being on the same button. If I'm being a contrarian to that point I could argue that its a good punishment for spamming, but I don't like it. I also didn't mind the morale system since I had 10 fortitude and could just run into the boss like that and not feel like I had to grind any extra advantage.

I legit forgot you could block and kept dying in the 2nd phase of that first boss. Though apparently I got close because you don't have to drain all his health. I was also not sober and started to get sluggish and put it down. I already had it pre installed on PC Gamepass so I might just put the PS5 demo down and start fresh in the full game since its a day from release. We'll see how far I make it.

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@spacemanspiff00: I don't necessarily mind the idea of dodge and parry on the same button as a way to punish spam, but like a lot of things in this game, the idea isn't particularly polished. It becomes a major problem when you are facing a group of enemies and want to deflect multiple regular attacks in succession. I've had several instances of the game interpreting the second tap of the parry button as a dodge, which resulted in me eating some damage.

It seems like it would be better if the parry were a tap and the dodge a hold.

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#33  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@therealturk: I've also had many instances of trying to deflect and ending up dodging instead. It happened a lot too when going up against combos and you deflect the first attack and then accidently dodge the 2nd and proly get hit, as I did many times. I wonder if part of the reasoning was that they didn't want it to feel too much like Sekiro by putting block and deflect on the same button. it would be nice to at least get some better button mapping options.

Not sure if I would want to hold to dodge because I also want a fast response for that and holding the button down feels like you're left way more open to get attacked. I'd have to try it to say for sure.

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I actually remember complaining about the parry and dodge being on the same button when the first demo came out. There was a feedback form at the end and it was one of the things I said I didn't like. Looks like we're stuck with it, though.

It is sort of funny how much the trying to parry can make you forget that block exists. I think that happens periodically for everyone who tries this game. But people have already been showing that you don't really need to parry at all to succeed if you don't want to. E.g., this bloke did a challenge run on that first boss with no deflecting, no wizardry, and no dodging, just blocks and normal attacks:

Loading Video...

Doesn't really seem like the way they want you to play it, but good to know that style of play is actually possible.

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That happened a lot with Sekiro too. That game has maybe the strongest block button to ever exist but people hyper focus on the parry.

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Some of those Sekiro fights are long enough playing as intended. I'm not stretching that out in the interests of safety.

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Well, the review embargo is now up, and the reviews are no surprise at all. The consensus seems to be that the combat is as good as you'd expect from a Team Ninja game, while the loot and story aspects still kinda suck. Yeah, I could've told you that. It's currently sitting at a Metacritic 81. The below-embedded IGN video review falls right on that average.

Looking forward to firing up the full game in about 11 hours. It looks like exactly my type of nonsense.

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Annoyingly I haven't got that far into it beyond the demo. There is another pain-in-the-arse, parry or die dickhead I cannot put away.

Also, I haven't found a way to boost heals. Being stuck on three seems like a tricky limitation.

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@shindig said:

Also, I haven't found a way to boost heals. Being stuck on three seems like a tricky limitation.

I actually got up to four just playing the demo. You can find key items that give you more uses, and others that increase the amount healed. I've gotten two of each type of potion upgrade at this point, after five main stages.

That first upgrade to your number of potions must either be in that second stage, or it drops automatically when you hit a certain level, or something like that.

Anyway, I'm headed for bed, but it's perhaps worth noting that the hub/town area unlocks after four main missions, and the ability to respec after five.

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#40  Edited By spacemanspiff00

Is anyone else playing on PC gamepass and getting awful performance? My old 970 still manages to run Atomic Heart ok at 1080@60 on low settings yet I get no more than 40fps on Wo Long trying the same thing. No way this game is more intensive.

Edit: Just tried to boot it up again and now I can't even get past a black screen with the loading icon on it. Ya, I think its broken for me.

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@spacemanspiff00: The Fextralife video review did mention that the PC version is in pretty bad shape right now. I'm playing it on PS5 and not having any performance issues.

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@spacemanspiff00: I just booted up the game pass version and it seems fine to me running on a 3080. There is the occasional stutter, but not enough to bother me as it's like a split second every 5-10 minutes and honestly no worse than most games I run. That said, I'm not even past the first boss, do we'll see if it gets worse as the game goes on.

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I've not hit any performance issues in moment to moment gameplay but there are weird instances of flashing screens and such that I had to turn off settings to solve. It's mostly fine though.

If you are the person who can play these games on KB/M maybe don't do it with this one, I've heard it's pretty busted.

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Steam reviews are at 5/10 right now and anyone not citing kb+m support problems is complaining about performance so ya it seems like PC is a big ol' lottery right now.

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Really unusual choice to start the game not using the world map but still doling out missions with it. It was way too long before I realized I had a bunch of Sub missions to do.

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@efesell: Agreed. My memory is that Nioh and Nioh 2 started you out on the 2D world map for mission select and always returned you to it after every mission. This game just scoots you along to the next main mission, even though there are new sub-missions to do that you can select with "Travel" from a battle flag, but it doesn't emphasize them at all.

I also don't think that the fully 3D village "hub" thing that unlocks at the end of the 4th main mission is actually all that justified. The way that the Nioh games did it from the world map/mission select screen was fine, it didn't need to be its own 3D environment that you can run around in. Mostly it just slows you down.

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@atheistpreacher: I had thought Travel meant like... fast travel between flags during a mission so it wasn't even until I was backtracking to pick something up on like mission 3 or 4 that I realized that menu took you out to the world map with other stuff to do.

And yeah I liked the map, it fit the pacing of the story more with little descriptions of where you're headed and so on. That pacing hasn't changed though and now you just sort of apparate from level to level and it feels a little weird.

A minor thing overall but just something that I feel like they had figured out pretty well.

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#48  Edited By AtheistPreacher

It definitely feels like certain aspects of this are a step back from Nioh. I'm still enjoying it, but I went in assuming I wouldn't like it quite as much, and so far that's proven true. As @therealturk already mentioned, it feels a bit like their budget game while they work on Rise of the Ronin.

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#49  Edited By Efesell

Also on the subject of things that don't matter that much but are slowly driving me insane.

Yo whoever decided to make the text in the codex scroll automatically, I just wanna talk.

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@efesell: this! I am perplexed by this decision. Like, the lore is already multi-page that you can button through, so why make it autoscroll? It makes reading the lore a bit of a pain.