Turning my girlfriend into a weeaboo: a true story

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Edited By AzHP

So ever since I wrote that article about playing Catherine with my girlfriend Lindsey, there seems to be a misconception that my girlfriend is a terribly controlling woman and that I don't deserve to be in a relationship with her because I am a man-child who is afraid of commitment. So, I wanted to write something up about how I met my girlfriend and how I became her gateway into a world full of anime and video games.

When I first met my girlfriend, we were at a Halloween party full of drunkards (as most Halloween parties are). We talked a while about how she was a dancer who used to teach ballet in Marin county and got along nicely, and things were going great until someone who no one recalled inviting to the party decided to take a piss off of the roof and onto a neighbor's house. The cops came and the party was broken up. I wasn't about to let this poor girl take San Francisco public transportation home at 1 in the morning on Halloween, so I offered her a ride home. It turned out that she lived a few blocks away from me and worked at the Irish bakery near my house, so when I dropped her off she gave me her phone number and told me to come by her shop to get a free pastry before I drove back to college the next day.

Lindsey in a ballet performance, prior to meeting me.
Lindsey in a ballet performance, prior to meeting me.

Lindsey and I talked online for about a week, and found that we had a lot of things in common. She and I both liked to dance (although I'm a bboy/locker and she can do ballroom, tap, jazz, ballet, contemporary, and hip hop), we both loved cats, she played video games (The Sims, Silent Hill and Fatal Frame), and she was smart. I ended up making her go over her text message limit that month, and I felt terrible about it, so I invited to take her to see the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, to make it up for it.

Long story short, that movie was a fucking terrible mess, and I felt even worse for inviting her to a terrible movie, so I asked her if she had ever watched anime or a Japanese drama before. She said the only anime she had ever seen was Cowboy Bebop, and that she had never seen a live action drama before, so I invited her to my place to visit my 3 cats and watch an amazingly epic Japanese medical drama called Iryu: Team Medical Dragon. I'm not going to get into the show here, but suffice it to say after the first episode, Lindsey was hooked. Our first date lasted from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon as we watched the entire first season at my house.

Iryu: Team Medical Dragon. I hate throwing the word epic around, but in this case, use of the word is justified.

Our relationship progressed smoothly as I introduced her to being Asian, aka living in San Francisco. Lindsey grew up in Novato, a city not far from Petaluma (where Ryan and Jeff live), which is just about the whitest part of the Bay Area. That being the case, she had never had a significant exposure to anime, bubble tea, real Chinese food, or Asian people in general. We went to parties that my friends who were transfer students from Japan hosted, and Lindsey socialized, got to know more Asians in a month than she had met in her entire life to that point, and generally had a good time.

One day, Lindsey was talking to an attractive male friend of mine, Ryosuke, who was basically your average Japanese pretty boy, who looked like he came straight out of a J-Pop album cover. They were talking about Japanese dramas and Lindsey said something to the effect of "but I mean at least you're not an 'otaku,' right?" To Lindsey, people who were "otaku" were overweight, smelly, creepy men who lived in their parents' house at age 30 and masturbated on their anime figures and art books. To her surprise, Ryosuke said "No no no no no...I am an otaku. If I am not an otaku, I am nobody. Your boyfriend is an otaku. Everyone in this party is an otaku." It was truly a revelation for Lindsey to realize that attractive, socially adept men could be otaku too.

Somewhere around this time, I gave Lindsey my old DS Lite, cause I didn't have time to play it now that I was out of college and working a full time job. I told her that she really needed to play Phoenix Wright, so she did...and it was the only thing she did for weeks. She loved it, and the third game in the series replaced Silent Hill 3 as her favorite game of all time. We sat next to each other on my couch and I watched her struggle in the courtroom and become completely engrossed in the story and characters.

A few months later, I invited Lindsey to come with me to FanimeCon in San Jose, because I wanted her to meet all my friends that I'd met over the years playing DDR and attending conventions. She agreed, but a few days later told me she had had a discussion with her best friend who told her "yeah, you'll probably be the best looking person there, and best smelling too." I assured her that no, she wouldn't be...a horrible decision on my part, but I mean...I know a LOT of attractive otaku, male and female, and as beautiful as I think my girlfriend is and as much as I love her, I'm an honest person. She got really upset, but we made up and she agreed to go to the convention.

My girlfriend at her first convention in San Jose, CA
My girlfriend at her first convention in San Jose, CA

Long story short, Lindsey had an amazing blast at the convention. My friend lent her a strawberry pink frilly lolita dress to wear and they walked around the convention, having their pictures taken. Lindsey was amazed at how much work people put into their cosplays, took hundreds of pictures, and when we finally got home that Memorial Day afternoon, Lindsey was beyond excited to begin a trek down the rabbit hole. She wanted to watch every anime, she wanted to cosplay cute characters, she wanted to play more video games, and she wanted me to be there every step of the way. Lindsey has now made 3 costumes by hand, and we've cosplayed characters from Phoenix Wright, Persona 4, and 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors. We now have a bookshelf in our room (we live together now) dedicated to anime figures we've collected at conventions, and most of the figures are ones we've picked out together. We've gone to FanimeCon three years in a row now, and each time I go and we dress up and she puts on her make up to get ready to be a video game character for a day, I marvel at how lucky I am to have a girlfriend like her.

Lindsey and I at FanimeCon 2010 as Young Phoenix Wright and Dahlia Hawthorne from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
Lindsey and I at FanimeCon 2010 as Young Phoenix Wright and Dahlia Hawthorne from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
We don't invite normal people to our house. Ever.
We don't invite normal people to our house. Ever.

So I know this wasn't really video game related, and it's excessively long, but I hope you found it entertaining (in fact, I'd be surprised if anyone read all the way down here). I just felt like writing this after all the discussion that happened on my Catherine blog post, and show everyone who told me I am in a terrible relationship exactly why I love my girlfriend. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all in the comments thread!

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#1  Edited By AzHP

So ever since I wrote that article about playing Catherine with my girlfriend Lindsey, there seems to be a misconception that my girlfriend is a terribly controlling woman and that I don't deserve to be in a relationship with her because I am a man-child who is afraid of commitment. So, I wanted to write something up about how I met my girlfriend and how I became her gateway into a world full of anime and video games.

When I first met my girlfriend, we were at a Halloween party full of drunkards (as most Halloween parties are). We talked a while about how she was a dancer who used to teach ballet in Marin county and got along nicely, and things were going great until someone who no one recalled inviting to the party decided to take a piss off of the roof and onto a neighbor's house. The cops came and the party was broken up. I wasn't about to let this poor girl take San Francisco public transportation home at 1 in the morning on Halloween, so I offered her a ride home. It turned out that she lived a few blocks away from me and worked at the Irish bakery near my house, so when I dropped her off she gave me her phone number and told me to come by her shop to get a free pastry before I drove back to college the next day.

Lindsey in a ballet performance, prior to meeting me.
Lindsey in a ballet performance, prior to meeting me.

Lindsey and I talked online for about a week, and found that we had a lot of things in common. She and I both liked to dance (although I'm a bboy/locker and she can do ballroom, tap, jazz, ballet, contemporary, and hip hop), we both loved cats, she played video games (The Sims, Silent Hill and Fatal Frame), and she was smart. I ended up making her go over her text message limit that month, and I felt terrible about it, so I invited to take her to see the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, to make it up for it.

Long story short, that movie was a fucking terrible mess, and I felt even worse for inviting her to a terrible movie, so I asked her if she had ever watched anime or a Japanese drama before. She said the only anime she had ever seen was Cowboy Bebop, and that she had never seen a live action drama before, so I invited her to my place to visit my 3 cats and watch an amazingly epic Japanese medical drama called Iryu: Team Medical Dragon. I'm not going to get into the show here, but suffice it to say after the first episode, Lindsey was hooked. Our first date lasted from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon as we watched the entire first season at my house.

Iryu: Team Medical Dragon. I hate throwing the word epic around, but in this case, use of the word is justified.

Our relationship progressed smoothly as I introduced her to being Asian, aka living in San Francisco. Lindsey grew up in Novato, a city not far from Petaluma (where Ryan and Jeff live), which is just about the whitest part of the Bay Area. That being the case, she had never had a significant exposure to anime, bubble tea, real Chinese food, or Asian people in general. We went to parties that my friends who were transfer students from Japan hosted, and Lindsey socialized, got to know more Asians in a month than she had met in her entire life to that point, and generally had a good time.

One day, Lindsey was talking to an attractive male friend of mine, Ryosuke, who was basically your average Japanese pretty boy, who looked like he came straight out of a J-Pop album cover. They were talking about Japanese dramas and Lindsey said something to the effect of "but I mean at least you're not an 'otaku,' right?" To Lindsey, people who were "otaku" were overweight, smelly, creepy men who lived in their parents' house at age 30 and masturbated on their anime figures and art books. To her surprise, Ryosuke said "No no no no no...I am an otaku. If I am not an otaku, I am nobody. Your boyfriend is an otaku. Everyone in this party is an otaku." It was truly a revelation for Lindsey to realize that attractive, socially adept men could be otaku too.

Somewhere around this time, I gave Lindsey my old DS Lite, cause I didn't have time to play it now that I was out of college and working a full time job. I told her that she really needed to play Phoenix Wright, so she did...and it was the only thing she did for weeks. She loved it, and the third game in the series replaced Silent Hill 3 as her favorite game of all time. We sat next to each other on my couch and I watched her struggle in the courtroom and become completely engrossed in the story and characters.

A few months later, I invited Lindsey to come with me to FanimeCon in San Jose, because I wanted her to meet all my friends that I'd met over the years playing DDR and attending conventions. She agreed, but a few days later told me she had had a discussion with her best friend who told her "yeah, you'll probably be the best looking person there, and best smelling too." I assured her that no, she wouldn't be...a horrible decision on my part, but I mean...I know a LOT of attractive otaku, male and female, and as beautiful as I think my girlfriend is and as much as I love her, I'm an honest person. She got really upset, but we made up and she agreed to go to the convention.

My girlfriend at her first convention in San Jose, CA
My girlfriend at her first convention in San Jose, CA

Long story short, Lindsey had an amazing blast at the convention. My friend lent her a strawberry pink frilly lolita dress to wear and they walked around the convention, having their pictures taken. Lindsey was amazed at how much work people put into their cosplays, took hundreds of pictures, and when we finally got home that Memorial Day afternoon, Lindsey was beyond excited to begin a trek down the rabbit hole. She wanted to watch every anime, she wanted to cosplay cute characters, she wanted to play more video games, and she wanted me to be there every step of the way. Lindsey has now made 3 costumes by hand, and we've cosplayed characters from Phoenix Wright, Persona 4, and 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors. We now have a bookshelf in our room (we live together now) dedicated to anime figures we've collected at conventions, and most of the figures are ones we've picked out together. We've gone to FanimeCon three years in a row now, and each time I go and we dress up and she puts on her make up to get ready to be a video game character for a day, I marvel at how lucky I am to have a girlfriend like her.

Lindsey and I at FanimeCon 2010 as Young Phoenix Wright and Dahlia Hawthorne from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
Lindsey and I at FanimeCon 2010 as Young Phoenix Wright and Dahlia Hawthorne from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
We don't invite normal people to our house. Ever.
We don't invite normal people to our house. Ever.

So I know this wasn't really video game related, and it's excessively long, but I hope you found it entertaining (in fact, I'd be surprised if anyone read all the way down here). I just felt like writing this after all the discussion that happened on my Catherine blog post, and show everyone who told me I am in a terrible relationship exactly why I love my girlfriend. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all in the comments thread!

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#2  Edited By wolf_blitzer85

Did she make you write this?
Joking aside, sounds like you have a pretty awesome girlfriend that's just as much a nerd as you are, just like my lady is super into Next Generation now. She didn't even see it coming!

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This is what law enforcement call "Grooming" when they arrest pedophiles


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#6  Edited By valrog

I read the whole thing. A lovely story, if I may add.

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#7  Edited By HandsomeDead
@Axxol said:
You should totally talk Lindsey into cosplaying as Olive Oyl.
Good arrows.
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#8  Edited By vaiz

I think this might make you a bad person.
No, kidding, kidding. It's cool that you have a girl that took to your interests so well. I literally hated everything my most recent ex loved, and suffice to say that did not last very long.

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#9  Edited By EuanDewar

You shouldn't ever have to prove anything to a video game forum.

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#10  Edited By Giefcookie

The title made me think the thread was going to be about some sort of furry fetish.

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#12  Edited By slantedwindows

jeff gerstmann does not approve

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#13  Edited By hondorondo

It's a lie! She's cute. Not meant to be offending!
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#14  Edited By Zabant

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

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#15  Edited By AzHP

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

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#16  Edited By beargirl1

Ayane figure spotted! 

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@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

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#18  Edited By Aronman789

Why would you turn someone into a weeaboo you horrible person? Not even your worst enemy deserves that fate.

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#19  Edited By AzHP

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

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#20  Edited By SSully

I dont understand Anime or the culture behind it so I was pretty lost during some of this. But good for you and your girlfriend. It was a happy little story. But as someone else said, you don't have to prove yourself on a video game forum. 99% of us are pricks who do not matter.

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#21  Edited By scarace360

Weeaboo is a racist turn!

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#22  Edited By OllyOxenFree

Turning somebody into a weeaboo? That's a paddlin'.

Nice catch, though.

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@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

I can see why youre confused, and the fact that youre japanese makes it all more confusing. But yeah, youre a weaboo. Its wapanese you're thinking of duder.

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#24  Edited By laserbolts

You shouldn't ever have to prove anything to a video game forum.

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#25  Edited By hondorondo
@SSully said:

I dont understand Anime or the culture behind it so I was pretty lost during some of this. But good for you and your girlfriend. It was a happy little story. But as someone else said, you don't have to prove yourself on a video game forum. 99% of us are pricks who do not matter.

I agree!
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#26  Edited By ThunderSlash

Obligatory PBF comic: 

 I'm so sorry.
 I'm so sorry.
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#27  Edited By penguindust

This was a fun read.  I don't think watching anime turns you into a weeaboo or even cosplaying.  Knowing more about Japanese politics than your own country's issues probably would though.   Also, that 's a lot of K-On there, but I dig the Winry down on the bottom.

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#28  Edited By GunstarRed

Mr Zurkon Ratchet figure!

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#29  Edited By TheFreeMan
@AzHP said:

so I invited to take her to see the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, to make it up for it. Long story short, that movie was a fucking terrible mess


Iryu: Team Medical Dragon. I hate throwing the word epic around, but in this case, use of the word is justified.

But as for the rest of the blog - yeah, you don't ever need to worry about proving yourself to a videogame forum, concerning your relationships. This was a good story. I'm glad that you found a girl that not only shared your interests, but that you could successfully introduce your interests to.
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#30  Edited By AzHP

@PenguinDust said:

This was a fun read. I don't think watching anime turns you into a weeaboo or even cosplaying. Knowing more about Japanese politics than your own country's issues probably would though. Also, that 's a lot of K-On there, but I dig the Winry down on the bottom.

All Lindsey's. I still haven't seen K-On, and from the sounds of it, it sounds like something I wouldn't be interested in. Lindsey loves the characters though, so there you are.

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#31  Edited By Zabant
@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

He's got you there.
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#32  Edited By Daveyo520

Liking Japanese stuff is just fine, but when you cross over into weeaboo territory you have gone too far. You are white kids, not Asian, stop acting like it. It is mildly racist. I like anime and Japan but I am not obsessed with it.

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#33  Edited By GreggD

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

I can see why youre confused, and the fact that youre japanese makes it all more confusing. But yeah, youre a weaboo. Its wapanese you're thinking of duder.


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#34  Edited By beforet

Aw man, you don't need to prove anything to us! We're just a bunch of cynical, would-be-jaded douchbags.

Not sure it was a great idea to post her picture, first name (unless its fake) and general location.

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@GreggD said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

I can see why youre confused, and the fact that youre japanese makes it all more confusing. But yeah, youre a weaboo. Its wapanese you're thinking of duder.



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#36  Edited By GreggD

@Jethuty: Prove me wrong, if you can. And no bullshit from urban dictionary.

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@GreggD said:

@Jethuty: Prove me wrong, if you can. And no bullshit from urban dictionary.

but thats my main source of useful and intellectual information! you cant take that away from me!

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#38  Edited By InfiniteGeass

Congratulations duder.

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#39  Edited By beforet

Didn't weeaboo come into its current meaning because a mod (or admin?) on 4chan set up a filter to auto-replace wapanese with weeaboo? Which would make them the same thing.

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#40  Edited By GreggD

@Jethuty: I actually didn't, I just know how these things go. You call a slang term into question. Somebody inevitably goes to urban dictionary, which is all just hearsay nonsense when it comes to unclear origins of words. But whatever, man. I just brought it up so you would stop dogging the OP about it.

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#41  Edited By AzHP

@Beforet said:

Aw man, you don't need to prove anything to us! We're just a bunch of cynical, would-be-jaded douchbags.

Not sure it was a great idea to post her picture, first name (unless its fake) and general location.

I figured the Giant Bomb community would be better than that. If this was 4chan, sure, but...we're alright here, right?

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@Beforet said:

Didn't weeaboo come into its current meaning because a mod (or admin?) on 4chan set up a filter to auto-replace wapanese with weeaboo? Which would make them the same thing.

yes it was

@AzHP said:

@Beforet said:

Aw man, you don't need to prove anything to us! We're just a bunch of cynical, would-be-jaded douchbags.

Not sure it was a great idea to post her picture, first name (unless its fake) and general location.

I figured the Giant Bomb community would be better than that. If this was 4chan, sure, but...we're alright here, right?

i think you're safe.

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@AzHP said:

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

Doesn't sound like that. Sounds like you're an American with a Japanese heritage who is aching to be a Nipponese otaku

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I do NOT trust gingers, therefore I hate you and her

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#45  Edited By Bollard
@wolf_blitzer85 said:
Did she make you write this?  
That was such a dickish comment! Ahahahahahahahahahah, it made me laugh anyway. 
Also, @AzHP, both this blog and your previous were good reads, thanks!
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#46  Edited By StaticFalconar

I am sad to learn that weeaboo doesn't mean sex fiend. 

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#47  Edited By No0b0rAmA
@Zabant said:
Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.
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#48  Edited By AzHP

@StaticFalconar said:

I am sad to learn that weeaboo doesn't mean sex fiend.

If it did and I wrote THAT as a post, I would probably be just as happy and get just as many flames.

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#49  Edited By Zabant
@Jethuty said:

@GreggD said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

I can see why youre confused, and the fact that youre japanese makes it all more confusing. But yeah, youre a weaboo. Its wapanese you're thinking of duder.



Weeaboo with its current meaning came about as a world filter for "wapanese" on the 4chan /b/ imageboard back in '05 as every damn thread had people saying wapanese in it.  In its original context, the word “weeaboo” doesn’t signify anything but something undesirable and deserving punishment. (Which is why i said in my original post proclaming you have turned you girlfriend into a weeaboo is not a good thing)
You are an idiot. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about as you're making a fool out of yourself/
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@Zabant said:

@Jethuty said:

@GreggD said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Jethuty said:

@AzHP said:

@Zabant said:

Being a weeaboo is not seen as a good thing by anyone but weeaboos you know.

I actually can't stand weeaboos, which is ironic because my girlfriend is becoming more and more of one every day. But at least she's an intelligent one.

i hate do break it down like this dude but...

you're the weaboo

I think by definition I can't be a weeaboo because I'm Japanese. That just makes me an otaku.

I can see why youre confused, and the fact that youre japanese makes it all more confusing. But yeah, youre a weaboo. Its wapanese you're thinking of duder.



Weeaboo with its current meaning came about as a world filter for "wapanese" on the 4chan /b/ imageboard back in '05 as every damn thread had people saying wapanese in it. In its original context, the word “weeaboo” doesn’t signify anything but something undesirable and deserving punishment. (Which is why i said in my original post proclaming you have turned you girlfriend into a weeaboo is not a good thing) You are an idiot. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about as you're making a fool out of yourself/

yeah sure.

Except your arguement just supports my arguement.

Whatever bro