What do you want from a new Mass Effect?

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I kind of get them announcing that its happening now (realistically it was probably always going to happen once Andromeda's heat died down), but don't they have another big RPG they haven't even shown yet with Dragon Age?

I don't trust modern Bioware to do well by either of them after the decade they've had. And given the direction videogames are going, by the time it releases - could be pretty yikes. Hopefully Im way wrong though.

I would somewhat disagree with the sentiment of no open worlds or big locations - those are fine and scale has a distinct value of its own. As long as they arent' forced to fill the map with random garbage ala AC games, and just let the place be, I could see a lot of value in traversing the worlds. Mobility and combat were the only good parts about Andromeda, so I'd want to see them pushed further. Maybe steal some Anthem tech.

As for the story - who knows. Part of me wants them to just cut RPG stuff out entirely - in the end, its so meaningless and makes any story they tell weaker. I'd much rather have Spiderman/GodOfWar/Yakuza style classic narrative with stronger writing overall. Set it right after humanity first encounters the rest of the Galaxy and look at the fallout it would cause.

If anything, maybe just use Mass Effect name to try and do something really experimental tech wise - Watch Dogs Legion just tried and failed, but I applaud the attempt. The only way those things happen in AAA space is if its tied to a big brand.

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I didn’t read all these lengthy responses so sorry if this has already been said, but there is one easy way to make a better Mass Effect sequel than Andromeda and arguably 3. His name is Drew Karpyshyn and he was the writer of the Baldur’s Gate games, KOTOR, and the first two Mass Effect titles. He has since left BioWare and now works at a new studio that is part of Wizards of the Coast. Hence he will not be returning. Casey Hudson, the director of the trilogy, and its co-creator is now head of BioWare and therefore likely will not have time to direct the new game. So without them I don’t think a new Mass Effect should have anything to do with the previous story. I would either set it in a whole new universe and connect it through similar themes, like Final Fantasy or the Tales Of series, or set it so far in the future or past that the events of the previous games have no bearing outside of some minor references, like the Divinity games. Personally discovering a whole new group of races and political structures would be awesome, so an alternate universe take would work best for me. Or one where so much time has passed that entire new species have risen, while some old ones have died off. Imagine traveling to find the secluded home of the last Volus on the distant edges of the galaxy, or stumbling upon a dormant Geth ship, adrift in space for millennia, unaware of the changes that have made other Geth independent of each other. Shephard could be revered as a God by humanity, and this could be how your ending in the third game is taken into account. Are the Shepards a benevolent group who protect the galaxy and promote inter species unity? Or are they the descendants of Cerberus pursuing a pro-human agenda?

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In a nutshell more Andromeda game play set in the milky way. Keep it light years away from Andromeda galaxy thanks.

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I agree with the sentiment that they should make it an RPG rather than a shooter with dialogue choices. Plot wise they have a lot to prove. I don't mean to act like writing is easy but they've had so many misses in a row it's at the point when I'm not actually very hyped which is a sad state of affairs.

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A sequel to Mass Effect Andromeda.

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Moar better awkward butt shots.

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Monkey paw time: are you all ready for the upcoming Mass Effect live service game? Preorder your battle pass now to get the golden armor and spaceship cosmetic pack.