How many games you play do you actually finish?

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Poll How many games you play do you actually finish? (80 votes)

None 0%
A couple a year 21%
About half 29%
Most of them 40%
All of them 6%
I'm one of those crackpots that 100% completes every game they play 4%

Hello chums,

I was on the way to make a list today of the games I actually beat in the last 5 years or so, and....I mean it's low. I think, off the top of my head I've maybe beat...5 games in the last half decade. I think it's probably...Persona 5, Yakuza Zero, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Abzu and Spider-Man.

I dunno if I'm just getting bored of gaming, or I don't have much time now I have a full time job, or that I'm very deep into a relationship, or shit, it could be any/none of those.

I've realised that I maybe beat a game a year. It's probably artificially inflated game run times nowadays, but I really can't stay focused anymore.

How about you guys? Do you actually finish games anymore?

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Half feels right, if I were to just off the cuff guess. I don’t do anything to keep track.

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Great topic.

A fun side hobby for me is keeping track of all the games I play every year on my GB Blog

I found that 2022 was the first year I found myself "falling off" from completing games.

(Steel Rising, Elden Ring, Loop Hero etc.)

Before then, I've very much been a "If I start it...I finish it" kind of consumer. In hindsight, that arbitrary mentality was pretty silly.

Like you, I also have a litany of other activities aside from videogames that grab my attention. In the end, it's about time management and prioritizing what's best for you.

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I voted for "most" because I still tend to finish a game if I start it. But it's definitely not 100%. I bought Dying Light 2 on sale last year and played about half of it before I'd had enough. I'll also sometimes end up doing the thing of putting a game down to play something else, fully intending to go back and finish, and then it just never happens.

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I'm going with about half although my PS4/PS5 number is at 59%. That's not bad considering there's a chunk of PS Plus games in that pile.

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I voted for most, because it must be more than half. I mean last year I finished 212 games. This year I have already finished 23. I am definitely at a place where I will bounce off a game at any point, if I'm not having fun. I put 20-25 hours into Marvel's Midnight Suns to finish Chapter 1 (or Act 1 or however it was titled) and went, "Wow, that was just the first chapter? I'm so bored." I'm also very willing to bounce off a game in the first hour.

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Depends. I tend to drop like 90% of the AAA games I try, but I mostly play indie games that aren't that long to complete or games that don't really have a "completion" like 4X games or city builders or something. I also drop games if I don't vibe with them.

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#7  Edited By Broshmosh

Of the games I play which can be finished, I finish roughly nine out of every ten. When I gave up MMOs I made a vow to myself to replace that time with story-rich experiences. I finish most of these.

Highlights from the last five years include: A Hat In Time, Yakuza 0, Divinity Original Sin 2: Director's Cut, Xenoblade Chronicles, Pentiment, Final Fantasy 6, FF7R & FF12, Bioshock 2, Paradise Killer.

I fall off a game when the difficulty gets too high, or the gameplay loop doesn't click with me. I fully intend to go back to Prey and drop it down to easy.

I also play a lot of run-based games which can't technically be finished. I aim to beat one complete run of each, but I barely scratch this, due to the intense difficulty this sort of game affords. That said, I beat Slay The Spire on my first run ever, so there is that.

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#8  Edited By Justin258

I will try anything, which really means I do have a whole lot of games out there that I've played for a few hours and thought "that's neat, I want to finish that" and not actually finished it.

That said, over the past few years I have made great effort to actually finish games. I find it a lot more satisfying to roll credits on a few games than to try my hand at a whole bunch of them. Does that mean I finish a lot of them? No, and last year I actually dropped the ball quite a bit, but I'm doing better about finishing them this year. I'd finish a lot more if I could get myself more invested in games that aren't forty plus hours long, but that's what tends to get me the most excited and interested these days so that's what I play.

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When I was younger 100%

These days I get about 20-50 hours out of a game. 50 if its good, like Elden Ring, 20 if its decent. After that unless the story is ripping I dont usually stick it out. Once I go on a work trip for a week, or have a few busy nights in a row where I cant seem to find time to hop on and I just lose the will to pick it back up again.

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I'm like the OP. Only finished a handful in the last couple years, and some of those are just the story mode of fighting games, which probably only half counts. MKX, Slice Dice and Rice, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, Soul Calibur 6.

These I suppose would be worth a full point on the scorecard; Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Mario 3D World, Kingdoms of Amalur (which I started in 2013, finished 2021), and Star Wars Squadrons.

Started Control January 2022, and still have to get through the DLC campaigns to really say it's done.

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I was in a good groove of finishing games, and then Genshin came out and... I started back on the grind though. I enjoy beating a game. I don't need to do or see every side content and I don't need to replay on the insane difficulties or do ng+. I usually stop going after much side stuff in the back part of a game where it feels even more superfluous and focus on seeing it through. I keep a list of games I've played per year and games I've beaten. I sometimes drop things on purpose, sometimes on a "I'll get back to it" but can't or don't. Overall I said about half but I'd like that to be a little higher.

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I've never beaten many games. I get so many games that I try them for an hour or two and then move onto the next one. I just like to know what they're about and I'm usually satisfied.

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I'd love to say the majority. It feels like the majority. But then I thought about the console I always forget I own, the Switch...I beat Hades. Once. I know that's not "beating" the game Hades, even if Hades felt the wrath of Zagreus' cold steel. Mario + Rabbids the First, Metroid Prime Remastered, Breath of the Wild...I'm sure I'll never roll credits on those, and that's all I've got. So I had to wonder if I was at least a little bit full of crap. So I had to pull up PS Profiles, scroll through and do some research!

There are 357 games listed here and this math is about to be imperfect thanks to the following caveat, which is that I'm not going to count games from the recent reinstitution of the demo era on Playstation like Crusader Kings III or F1 Manager 2022 as "unfinished"...but considering some of the responses in this thread already, letting these sorts of games linger in the denominator might just help me feel a bit more "normal" than I would otherwise. But let's find out! The games I can definitively say I've purchased and have no plans to finish are... (being as this is in chronological order, I'll begin with some caveat laden inclusions)

Inscryption: Gotta admit, I kinda don't get the card game bit, and I'm not sure where I last left the meta game bit. In either case, I lose at the game of it all quite a bit, and eventually got bored of that.

Unpacking: I've written at length about this elsewhere, but the gist: this game didn't seem to translate well to console/controller, and as a messy lil' man I didn't find the gamification of organization to be charming at all anyway.

Maneater: Sure is a lot of land mass getting in the way of this water logged fish murder game.

Demon's Souls (PS5): I get it. And maybe someday I'll go back and do the dang thing, 'cause I dug it. But the structure of this game led to me getting stuck on five different levels all at once, and it seemed like I was gonna need to follow a guide to figure out how best to get on with things...I don't like following guides. I'm a grown damn man, dang it!

Deathloop: I'm about to mention a couple of games I'm infamous (I...I am infamous, or something like it, right?) for disliking on these forums, but this game was the culmination of the feelings those games gave me: I get the thing, but I don't get the thing, and I'm not even sure I like the thing, so...bye?

Last Stop: This game looks so ugly in motion.

Jett the Far Shore: Amazing first 30 minutes. Followed by hours and hours of deflation, like a subtle Hindenburgh.

Dishonored: I just don't get immersive sims, 'cause all I wanna do is press on and that tends to mean finding the path of least resistance most amicable. I liked this game a lot, but I don't think I appreciated it at all. I still can't believe I bought the huge Arkane pack on PSN (at a huge discount) in the wake of Deathloop hype, only to then list both Dishonored and Deathloop here with little intention of following up on Dishonored 2 nor Prey because both games are on a list like this of mine...but such is life, I suppose!

Ruiner: I had no reason to drop this, but I know that I did. I imagine this was a lot of folks' experience with Ruiner.

Final Fantasy XV: I could see what some people see in this game, and I almost didn't include it since this was a Playstation Plus play and thus a rental at heart...but I'm usually pretty open to games with slow starts, and I was decidedly not cool with this one's slow, slow, slow start.

Night in the Woods: My first feel-bad entry here. I liked this game. But I didn't love it, and eventually more stuff started happening, and I just deleted it one day. I'll sneak in a reference to Return to Monkey Island here, which may soon suffer a similar fate.

Scarlet Nexus: The game is fun to play. It's third chapter contains one of the most remarkable images in video games, straight up. The characters and writing, otherwise, are so abrasively terrible that it's a wonder I made it nearly 2/3s, or was it 3/4s, or was it 4/5s of the way through the game before throwing my hands in the air and declaring myself done. This will likely forever be the furthest I've got in a game without seeing it through.

Coffee Talk: Your most annoying progressive friends on Twitter get together and share their most mundane takes on life: the game!

Days Gone: Too many people say this game is secretly really good. Matthew Rorie is one of them. Like FFXV, this was technically a PS+ throw-in. Like very little listed in this post, I'd like to go back to it. I'm gonna list it anyway, because it's Days Gone, and Deacon seems like an awful main character.

Hitman: Kinda similar to Dishonored, the sheer amount of content and joy the Giant Bomb lads and their various cohorts have extracted out of this series leaves no doubt in my mind that these games are damn good. Unfortunately, I can't meet this series on its own terms, specifically in the way it can feel so much like a video game it ceases to feel like a spy game, and it leaves me cold. I feel dumber for having not enjoyed Hitman, but I suppose it's good to feel anything at all.

Cyberpunk 2077: Included by technicality, that technicality being that I played 12 hours or so of this on a base PS4, on a 720p television, in part because I've never really been a PC gamer and wanted to see what it was like to flail in futility in a game's general direction. This game is on sale for $25 so often (and generally praised aside from its marketing and decidedly non-Witcher 3'edness) that I'll cross it off this list someday, maybe even this year, but's Cyberpunk 2077. Shame it, baby!

Hollow Knight: I'm already surprised this list is getting this long in the tooth, which says more about me than the games on this list. So excuse me if all I have to say about Hollow Knight is: Dan's right.

Bloodborne: Weirdest inclusion on this list. Legit one of my four or five favorite games of all-time, and yet I've never beaten the Wet Nurse let alone seen the credits roll. I have played this game to some point prior to that seven or eight times. I don't know how to explain this to my mother.

The Banner Saga 2: If I could give this game an alternate title, it'd be "Heck, I'm Tired of This Battle System, Sheesh!"

DOOM Eternal: I've never gone speed-dating, but I imagine playing this game was exactly like meeting the most beautiful woman in the world only for the first words out of her mouth to be, "Imagine Dragons is my favorite band on The Citadel."

Outer Wilds: The biggest caveat of all the caveats in this post resides here: I'm terrified of bodies of water (Grand Theft Auto V's ocean is the scariest environment in all of video games) and at some point during this game big ugly fish get involved. LOL, bye!

Watch Dogs 2: Talk about a game with so much to do and none of it remarkable. I know some people found the primary cast of characters "lovable", but they grossed me out. This was the moment when the lack of Twitter in my life likely both hurt and helped me most.

Invisible Inc.: Dear Austin Walker: I admit I'm dumb. Sorry.

Sekiro: I've never loved a game that refused to love me back as deeply as I loved pre-Lady Butterfly/Seven Spears/Ashina Elite/Snake Eyes Sekiro. The fact that I can still rattle that procession of is testament to said love. Sekiro can eat anonymous, sweaty ass for all I care. Call me, Sekiro.

Celeste: Yikes, platform good?! Me can't!

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry: I think I've referenced a hesitance to let PS+ offerings bog down this post previously, but I'll never hesitate to point out that pre-Origins Assassin's Creed games feel like drinking warm piss to play. Conceptually, I like everything about this game. They should make a movie about it! Let Fassbender Incept a Haitian (right?) man leading a slave revolution, what's the worst that could happen?

Wolfenstein The New Order: The real reason I wanted to waste all this time writing this game's up arrives! The final boss in this game is one of the single worst situations any video game has ever put me in, and it has nothing to do with Nazis. Whenever somebody asks, "what games have you essentially played to completion but technically not finished," this is the game. Death's Head kick rocks.

The Fall: Me no puzzle good. Sorry Vinny.

Roundabout: My sole "you guys are a lot of fun on Giant Bomb, and I enjoyed watching Giant Bomb play your game" purchase that I otherwise considered my own gaming proclivities absolutely zero percent before purchasing. I shoulda oughta, 'cause I was immediately not charmed by this one at all on my own terms.

Super Meat Boy: If you're sensing a trend, a lot of the games on this list ask their players to get good at them. I don't get good. Put another way: "Yikes, platform good?! Me can't!"

The Witness: Yikes, smart good?! Me can't!

Far Cry 4: Once the novelty of My First Far Cry wore off, I was left with a game that felt so mediocre to play that it wafts over my impression of every Ubisoft game to release since, deservedly or not.

The Swapper: In this era of my game playing, you may sense a pattern. Nodima gets intrigued by intriguing puzzler or platformer, Nodima proceeds to get confounded by said puzzler or platformer.

Thomas Was Alone: See?!

Hotline Miami: I blame analog sticks for this one.

Watch Dogs: I blame Aiden Pierce for this one.

FEZ: I blame being late, late, late to the game for this one (I earned my one trophy in 2014).

Just Cause 2: Maybe the only game I've ever played where I literally did not care whether I was making progress in the story.

Machinarium: What'd I say before about puzzle games and seduction?

Warhammer Big Number Space Marine: Hilarious. Boring. I skipped some PS+ games I could've mentioned before this one, but I had to mention this one because A) I'm posting on Giant Bomb, B) Space Marine!, C) if present day me were presented with this game, I'd likely beat it to say I beat it. But back then, I had weed to smoke and girls to cry about.

Braid: I just wanted an opportunity to skip pasting that platforming joke one last time. I knew this all the way back in 2012.

Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3: If I said that renting these games from Blockbuster was one of the coolest things I think I've ever done in my life, would you find me dull?

So I think I listed 42 games there, out of 357. Remembering my Switch anecdote, I can balloon those numbers to 46 and 361. Who knows what my life was like prior to Playstation trophies, least of all me? Give or take some poor counting or some completion fudging, 12% feels good. Feels like most. Which, like I said, I said I complete most games I play. With the caveat that most games I play are sports games so I couldn't complete them if I tried. How's that for stat juking?

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Maybe 8/10 or so

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9 times out of 10 i'm seeing credits. and that's not great (there's plenty i probably should have walked away from), but it is what it is. chalk it up to a combo of irrational compulsion and a desire to have the street cred to have an opinion on said thing.

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Before Game Pass I’d say most of them. With Game Pass I have to say half.

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It's closer to none than a couple, but I'd say at least 2 or 3 a year. Periodically, a game sneaks back in that I left unfinished for years, just because I get it through my skull that I need to beat it. But it rarely adds anything to the experience.

Weirdly enough, more games than I like to avoid 2 get to like 80% and when it's time for the last leg, I just can't seem to do it.

I just chipped away another hour at 13 Sentinels. I'll totally finish that, but it's taking a billion years, mostly because I still have a lot of tower defense left. Still good though!

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#18 Ben_H  Online

Probably 1/2 to 2/3rds of games I start. I used to complete everything but with how long so many games are now and how padded out a lot of open world games feel, I often find myself falling off a game rather than finishing it. I saw mention of Days Gone, and that's the perfect example for this. I played it for two evenings then bailed. I already saw where the story was going and the game itself was not overly exciting to play. I ended up just looking up the plot synopsis and leaving it at that.

I think it's partly just my attention span much better matches short indie games rather than big fancy open world action games with too many systems. Skill trees and loot score mechanics were fun for a while but now that they're in practically every big budget game, they're getting boring.

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I would say more than 2 a year, but probably less than half. Time is a big factor. I've reached a point in my life where I no longer have any patience for recreational things I don't like (movies, books, games, etc.) If I'm not enjoying it, I stop and move on.

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#20  Edited By styx971

i used to beat every game i bought for the most part if i was liking it but over the years when i was able to get more yet started working and had alot less time that tanked alot for a number of years . for the past 5 years or so the GI overblood facebook group i've been in has been doing a monthly thread for beaten games tho and thats honestly really helped . i used to just keep a running list of games i'd beaten in a year since 2015 , my weakest year was 2016 with just 7 games a number of which were on the smaller side. these days tho with the monthly thread i started a google doc spreadsheet that as soon as i start a game it goes on the list in red with a date , soon as i beat it it gets a date n time played ( if doable) and gets changed to green . if i drop something for any reason it gets changed to blue . wanting to get rid of the red has kinda really helped my completing things vs starting and moving on habit i'd had. that said it still happens to depending on my mood .. currently in the red are 33? games over the last 5 years i'd not beaten but what i Have beaten is 157 ( a lot of wehich are smaller), which is alot better than we'll say the previous 5 years before it where i mostly bounced around.... alll this said that number is still a crapoad higher than if i'd been working the past 3 years but i've been unemplyed since early pandemic times , i lost my job cause i can't wear a mask , gained too much weight and now when i could finally go back to factory work i find mysel drastically in need of weightloss cause pants ot fitting aside i can't move around as well as i used to , spring/summer goal isn't games but bettering my health soon as weather sees fit for shorts.

anyway i'd say these days i guess i beat somewhere between half -most of the things i start

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I used to finish most of the games I bought and started playing, but with Game Pass and other services like it I find myself dabbling a lot more and only finishing what really draws me in.